
// isRuntimeDepPkg reports whether pkg is the runtime package or its dependency.
func isRuntimeDepPkg(pkg string) bool {}

// Estimate the max size needed to hold any new trampolines created for this function. This
// is used to determine when the section can be split if it becomes too large, to ensure that
// the trampolines are in the same section as the function that uses them.
func maxSizeTrampolines(ctxt *Link, ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym, isTramp bool) uint64 {}

// Detect too-far jumps in function s, and add trampolines if necessary.
// ARM, LOONG64, PPC64, PPC64LE and RISCV64 support trampoline insertion for internal
// and external linking. On PPC64 and PPC64LE the text sections might be split
// but will still insert trampolines where necessary.
func trampoline(ctxt *Link, s loader.Sym) {}

// whether rt is a (host object) relocation that will be turned into
// a call to PLT.
func isPLTCall(arch *sys.Arch, rt objabi.RelocType) bool {}

// FoldSubSymbolOffset computes the offset of symbol s to its top-level outer
// symbol. Returns the top-level symbol and the offset.
// This is used in generating external relocations.
func FoldSubSymbolOffset(ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym) (loader.Sym, int64) {}

// relocsym resolve relocations in "s", updating the symbol's content
// in "P".
// The main loop walks through the list of relocations attached to "s"
// and resolves them where applicable. Relocations are often
// architecture-specific, requiring calls into the 'archreloc' and/or
// 'archrelocvariant' functions for the architecture. When external
// linking is in effect, it may not be  possible to completely resolve
// the address/offset for a symbol, in which case the goal is to lay
// the groundwork for turning a given relocation into an external reloc
// (to be applied by the external linker). For more on how relocations
// work in general, see
//	"Linkers and Loaders", by John R. Levine (Morgan Kaufmann, 1999), ch. 7
// This is a performance-critical function for the linker; be careful
// to avoid introducing unnecessary allocations in the main loop.
func (st *relocSymState) relocsym(s loader.Sym, P []byte) {}

// Convert a Go relocation to an external relocation.
func extreloc(ctxt *Link, ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym, r loader.Reloc) (loader.ExtReloc, bool) {}

// ExtrelocSimple creates a simple external relocation from r, with the same
// symbol and addend.
func ExtrelocSimple(ldr *loader.Loader, r loader.Reloc) loader.ExtReloc {}

// ExtrelocViaOuterSym creates an external relocation from r targeting the
// outer symbol and folding the subsymbol's offset into the addend.
func ExtrelocViaOuterSym(ldr *loader.Loader, r loader.Reloc, s loader.Sym) loader.ExtReloc {}

type relocSymState

// makeRelocSymState creates a relocSymState container object to
// pass to relocsym(). If relocsym() calls happen in parallel,
// each parallel thread should have its own state object.
func (ctxt *Link) makeRelocSymState() *relocSymState {}

// windynrelocsym examines a text symbol 's' and looks for relocations
// from it that correspond to references to symbols defined in DLLs,
// then fixes up those relocations as needed. A reference to a symbol
// XYZ from some DLL will fall into one of two categories: an indirect
// ref via "__imp_XYZ", or a direct ref to "XYZ". Here's an example of
// an indirect ref (this is an excerpt from objdump -ldr):
//	     1c1: 48 89 c6                     	movq	%rax, %rsi
//	     1c4: ff 15 00 00 00 00            	callq	*(%rip)
//			00000000000001c6:  IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32	__imp__errno
// In the assembly above, the code loads up the value of __imp_errno
// and then does an indirect call to that value.
// Here is what a direct reference might look like:
//	     137: e9 20 06 00 00               	jmp	0x75c <pow+0x75c>
//	     13c: e8 00 00 00 00               	callq	0x141 <pow+0x141>
//			000000000000013d:  IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32	_errno
// The assembly below dispenses with the import symbol and just makes
// a direct call to _errno.
// The code below handles indirect refs by redirecting the target of
// the relocation from "__imp_XYZ" to "XYZ" (since the latter symbol
// is what the Windows loader is expected to resolve). For direct refs
// the call is redirected to a stub, where the stub first loads the
// symbol and then direct an indirect call to that value.
// Note that for a given symbol (as above) it is perfectly legal to
// have both direct and indirect references.
func windynrelocsym(ctxt *Link, rel *loader.SymbolBuilder, s loader.Sym) error {}

// windynrelocsyms generates jump table to C library functions that will be
// added later. windynrelocsyms writes the table into .rel symbol.
func (ctxt *Link) windynrelocsyms() {}

func dynrelocsym(ctxt *Link, s loader.Sym) {}

func (state *dodataState) dynreloc(ctxt *Link) {}

func CodeblkPad(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, addr int64, size int64, pad []byte) {}

const blockSize

// writeBlocks writes a specified chunk of symbols to the output buffer. It
// breaks the write up into ≥blockSize chunks to write them out, and schedules
// as many goroutines as necessary to accomplish this task. This call then
// blocks, waiting on the writes to complete. Note that we use the sem parameter
// to limit the number of concurrent writes taking place.
func writeBlocks(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, sem chan int, ldr *loader.Loader, syms []loader.Sym, addr, size int64, pad []byte) {}

func writeBlock(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, ldr *loader.Loader, syms []loader.Sym, addr, size int64, pad []byte) {}

type writeFn

// writeParallel handles scheduling parallel execution of data write functions.
func writeParallel(wg *sync.WaitGroup, fn writeFn, ctxt *Link, seek, vaddr, length uint64) {}

func datblk(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, addr, size int64) {}

// Used only on Wasm for now.
func DatblkBytes(ctxt *Link, addr int64, size int64) []byte {}

func writeDatblkToOutBuf(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, addr int64, size int64) {}

func dwarfblk(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, addr int64, size int64) {}

func pdatablk(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, addr int64, size int64) {}

func xdatablk(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, addr int64, size int64) {}

var (

var zeros

var strdata

var strnames

func addstrdata1(ctxt *Link, arg string) {}

// addstrdata sets the initial value of the string variable name to value.
func addstrdata(arch *sys.Arch, l *loader.Loader, name, value string) {}

func (ctxt *Link) dostrdata() {}

// addgostring adds str, as a Go string value, to s. symname is the name of the
// symbol used to define the string data and must be unique per linked object.
func addgostring(ctxt *Link, ldr *loader.Loader, s *loader.SymbolBuilder, symname, str string) {}

func addinitarrdata(ctxt *Link, ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym) {}

// symalign returns the required alignment for the given symbol s.
func symalign(ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym) int32 {}

func aligndatsize(state *dodataState, datsize int64, s loader.Sym) int64 {}

const debugGCProg

type GCProg

func (p *GCProg) Init(ctxt *Link, name string) {}

func (p *GCProg) writeByte() func(x byte) {}

func (p *GCProg) End(size int64) {}

func (p *GCProg) AddSym(s loader.Sym) {}

const cutoff

// check accumulated size of data sections
func (state *dodataState) checkdatsize(symn sym.SymKind) {}

func checkSectSize(sect *sym.Section) {}

// fixZeroSizedSymbols gives a few special symbols with zero size some space.
func fixZeroSizedSymbols(ctxt *Link) {}

// makeRelroForSharedLib creates a section of readonly data if necessary.
func (state *dodataState) makeRelroForSharedLib(target *Link) {}

type dodataState

// symType returns the (possibly overridden) type of 's'.
func (state *dodataState) symType(s loader.Sym) sym.SymKind {}

// setSymType sets a new override type for 's'.
func (state *dodataState) setSymType(s loader.Sym, kind sym.SymKind) {}

func (ctxt *Link) dodata(symGroupType []sym.SymKind) {}

// allocateDataSectionForSym creates a new sym.Section into which a
// single symbol will be placed. Here "seg" is the segment into which
// the section will go, "s" is the symbol to be placed into the new
// section, and "rwx" contains permissions for the section.
func (state *dodataState) allocateDataSectionForSym(seg *sym.Segment, s loader.Sym, rwx int) *sym.Section {}

// allocateNamedDataSection creates a new sym.Section for a category
// of data symbols. Here "seg" is the segment into which the section
// will go, "sName" is the name to give to the section, "types" is a
// range of symbol types to be put into the section, and "rwx"
// contains permissions for the section.
func (state *dodataState) allocateNamedDataSection(seg *sym.Segment, sName string, types []sym.SymKind, rwx int) *sym.Section {}

// assignDsymsToSection assigns a collection of data symbols to a
// newly created section. "sect" is the section into which to place
// the symbols, "syms" holds the list of symbols to assign,
// "forceType" (if non-zero) contains a new sym type to apply to each
// sym during the assignment, and "aligner" is a hook to call to
// handle alignment during the assignment process.
func (state *dodataState) assignDsymsToSection(sect *sym.Section, syms []loader.Sym, forceType sym.SymKind, aligner func(state *dodataState, datsize int64, s loader.Sym) int64) {}

func (state *dodataState) assignToSection(sect *sym.Section, symn sym.SymKind, forceType sym.SymKind) {}

// allocateSingleSymSections walks through the bucketed data symbols
// with type 'symn', creates a new section for each sym, and assigns
// the sym to a newly created section. Section name is set from the
// symbol name. "Seg" is the segment into which to place the new
// section, "forceType" is the new sym.SymKind to assign to the symbol
// within the section, and "rwx" holds section permissions.
func (state *dodataState) allocateSingleSymSections(seg *sym.Segment, symn sym.SymKind, forceType sym.SymKind, rwx int) {}

// allocateNamedSectionAndAssignSyms creates a new section with the
// specified name, then walks through the bucketed data symbols with
// type 'symn' and assigns each of them to this new section. "Seg" is
// the segment into which to place the new section, "secName" is the
// name to give to the new section, "forceType" (if non-zero) contains
// a new sym type to apply to each sym during the assignment, and
// "rwx" holds section permissions.
func (state *dodataState) allocateNamedSectionAndAssignSyms(seg *sym.Segment, secName string, symn sym.SymKind, forceType sym.SymKind, rwx int) *sym.Section {}

// allocateDataSections allocates sym.Section objects for data/rodata
// (and related) symbols, and then assigns symbols to those sections.
func (state *dodataState) allocateDataSections(ctxt *Link) {}

// allocateDwarfSections allocates sym.Section objects for DWARF
// symbols, and assigns symbols to sections.
func (state *dodataState) allocateDwarfSections(ctxt *Link) {}

// allocateSEHSections allocate a sym.Section object for SEH
// symbols, and assigns symbols to sections.
func (state *dodataState) allocateSEHSections(ctxt *Link) {}

type symNameSize

func (state *dodataState) dodataSect(ctxt *Link, symn sym.SymKind, syms []loader.Sym) (result []loader.Sym, maxAlign int32) {}

// Add buildid to beginning of text segment, on non-ELF systems.
// Non-ELF binary formats are not always flexible enough to
// give us a place to put the Go build ID. On those systems, we put it
// at the very beginning of the text segment.
// This “header” is read by cmd/go.
func (ctxt *Link) textbuildid() {}

func (ctxt *Link) buildinfo() {}

// appendString appends s to data, prefixed by its varint-encoded length.
func appendString(data []byte, s string) []byte {}

// assign addresses to text
func (ctxt *Link) textaddress() {}

// assigns address for a text symbol, returns (possibly new) section, its number, and the address.
func assignAddress(ctxt *Link, sect *sym.Section, n int, s loader.Sym, va uint64, isTramp, big bool) (*sym.Section, int, uint64) {}

func resetAddress(ctxt *Link, s loader.Sym) {}

// Return whether we may need to split text sections.
// On PPC64x, when external linking, a text section should not be
// larger than 2^25 bytes due to the size of call target offset field
// in the 'bl' instruction. Splitting into smaller text sections
// smaller than this limit allows the system linker to modify the long
// calls appropriately. The limit allows for the space needed for
// tables inserted by the linker.
// The same applies to Darwin/ARM64, with 2^27 byte threshold.
// Similarly for ARM, we split sections (at 2^25 bytes) to avoid
// inconsistencies between the Go linker's reachability calculations
// (e.g. will direct call from X to Y need a trampoline) and similar
// machinery in the external linker; see #58425 for more on the
// history here.
func splitTextSections(ctxt *Link) bool {}

const wasmMinDataAddr

// address assigns virtual addresses to all segments and sections and
// returns all segments in file order.
func (ctxt *Link) address() []*sym.Segment {}

// layout assigns file offsets and lengths to the segments in order.
// Returns the file size containing all the segments.
func (ctxt *Link) layout(order []*sym.Segment) uint64 {}

// add a trampoline with symbol s (to be laid down after the current function)
func (ctxt *Link) AddTramp(s *loader.SymbolBuilder) {}

// compressSyms compresses syms and returns the contents of the
// compressed section. If the section would get larger, it returns nil.
func compressSyms(ctxt *Link, syms []loader.Sym) []byte {}