
var errNoFallocate

const outbufMode

type OutBuf

func (out *OutBuf) Open(name string) error {}

func NewOutBuf(arch *sys.Arch) *OutBuf {}

var viewError

func (out *OutBuf) View(start uint64) (*OutBuf, error) {}

var viewCloseError

func (out *OutBuf) Close() error {}

// ErrorClose closes the output file (if any).
// It is supposed to be called only at exit on error, so it doesn't do
// any clean up or buffer flushing, just closes the file.
func (out *OutBuf) ErrorClose() {}

// isMmapped returns true if the OutBuf is mmaped.
func (out *OutBuf) isMmapped() bool {}

// Data returns the whole written OutBuf as a byte slice.
func (out *OutBuf) Data() []byte {}

// copyHeap copies the heap to the mmapped section of memory, returning true if
// a copy takes place.
func (out *OutBuf) copyHeap() bool {}

const maxOutBufHeapLen

// writeLoc determines the write location if a buffer is mmaped.
// We maintain two write buffers, an mmapped section, and a heap section for
// writing. When the mmapped section is full, we switch over the heap memory
// for writing.
func (out *OutBuf) writeLoc(lenToWrite int64) (int64, []byte) {}

func (out *OutBuf) SeekSet(p int64) {}

func (out *OutBuf) Offset() int64 {}

// Write writes the contents of v to the buffer.
func (out *OutBuf) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {}

func (out *OutBuf) Write8(v uint8) {}

// WriteByte is an alias for Write8 to fulfill the io.ByteWriter interface.
func (out *OutBuf) WriteByte(v byte) error {}

func (out *OutBuf) Write16(v uint16) {}

func (out *OutBuf) Write32(v uint32) {}

func (out *OutBuf) Write32b(v uint32) {}

func (out *OutBuf) Write64(v uint64) {}

func (out *OutBuf) Write64b(v uint64) {}

func (out *OutBuf) WriteString(s string) {}

// WriteStringN writes the first n bytes of s.
// If n is larger than len(s) then it is padded with zero bytes.
func (out *OutBuf) WriteStringN(s string, n int) {}

// WriteStringPad writes the first n bytes of s.
// If n is larger than len(s) then it is padded with the bytes in pad (repeated as needed).
func (out *OutBuf) WriteStringPad(s string, n int, pad []byte) {}

// WriteSym writes the content of a Symbol, and returns the output buffer
// that we just wrote, so we can apply further edit to the symbol content.
// For generator symbols, it also sets the symbol's Data to the output
// buffer.
func (out *OutBuf) WriteSym(ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym) []byte {}