
func putelfstr(s string) int {}

func putelfsyment(out *OutBuf, off int, addr int64, size int64, info uint8, shndx elf.SectionIndex, other int) {}

func putelfsym(ctxt *Link, x loader.Sym, typ elf.SymType, curbind elf.SymBind) {}

func putelfsectionsym(ctxt *Link, out *OutBuf, s loader.Sym, shndx elf.SectionIndex) {}

func genelfsym(ctxt *Link, elfbind elf.SymBind) {}

func asmElfSym(ctxt *Link) {}

func putplan9sym(ctxt *Link, ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym, char SymbolType) {}

func asmbPlan9Sym(ctxt *Link) {}

// Create a table with information on the text sections.
// Return the symbol of the table, and number of sections.
func textsectionmap(ctxt *Link) (loader.Sym, uint32) {}

func (ctxt *Link) symtab(pcln *pclntab) []sym.SymKind {}

var CarrierSymByType

func setCarrierSym(typ sym.SymKind, s loader.Sym) {}

func setCarrierSize(typ sym.SymKind, sz int64) {}

func isStaticTmp(name string) bool {}

// Mangle function name with ABI information.
func mangleABIName(ctxt *Link, ldr *loader.Loader, x loader.Sym, name string) string {}