
var _

type Sym

type Relocs

type ExtReloc

type Reloc

func (rel Reloc) Type() objabi.RelocType     {}

func (rel Reloc) Weak() bool                 {}

func (rel Reloc) SetType(t objabi.RelocType) {}

func (rel Reloc) Sym() Sym                   {}

func (rel Reloc) SetSym(s Sym)               {}

func (rel Reloc) IsMarker() bool             {}

type Aux

func (a Aux) Sym() Sym {}

type oReader

// Total number of defined symbols (package symbols, hashed symbols, and
// non-package symbols).
func (r *oReader) NAlldef() int {}

type objSym

type nameVer

type Bitmap

// set the i-th bit.
func (bm Bitmap) Set(i Sym) {}

// unset the i-th bit.
func (bm Bitmap) Unset(i Sym) {}

// whether the i-th bit is set.
func (bm Bitmap) Has(i Sym) bool {}

// return current length of bitmap in bits.
func (bm Bitmap) Len() int {}

// return the number of bits set.
func (bm Bitmap) Count() int {}

func MakeBitmap(n int) Bitmap {}

// growBitmap insures that the specified bitmap has enough capacity,
// reallocating (doubling the size) if needed.
func growBitmap(reqLen int, b Bitmap) Bitmap {}

type symAndSize

type Loader

const pkgDef

const hashed64Def

const hashedDef

const nonPkgDef

const nonPkgRef

const nilObj

const extObj

const goObjStart

type extSymPayload

const FlagStrictDups

const FlagCheckLinkname

func NewLoader(flags uint32, reporter *ErrorReporter) *Loader {}

// Add object file r
func (l *Loader) addObj(pkg string, r *oReader) {}

// Add a symbol from an object file, return the global index.
// If the symbol already exist, it returns the index of that symbol.
func (st *loadState) addSym(name string, ver int, r *oReader, li uint32, kind int, osym *goobj.Sym) Sym {}

// newExtSym creates a new external sym with the specified
// name/version.
func (l *Loader) newExtSym(name string, ver int) Sym {}

// LookupOrCreateSym looks up the symbol with the specified name/version,
// returning its Sym index if found. If the lookup fails, a new external
// Sym will be created, entered into the lookup tables, and returned.
func (l *Loader) LookupOrCreateSym(name string, ver int) Sym {}

// AddCgoExport records a cgo-exported symbol in l.CgoExports.
// This table is used to identify the correct Go symbol ABI to use
// to resolve references from host objects (which don't have ABIs).
func (l *Loader) AddCgoExport(s Sym) {}

// LookupOrCreateCgoExport is like LookupOrCreateSym, but if ver
// indicates a global symbol, it uses the CgoExport table to determine
// the appropriate symbol version (ABI) to use. ver must be either 0
// or a static symbol version.
func (l *Loader) LookupOrCreateCgoExport(name string, ver int) Sym {}

func (l *Loader) IsExternal(i Sym) bool {}

func (l *Loader) isExtReader(r *oReader) bool {}

// For external symbol, return its index in the payloads array.
// XXX result is actually not a global index. We (ab)use the Sym type
// so we don't need conversion for accessing bitmaps.
func (l *Loader) extIndex(i Sym) Sym {}

// Get a new payload for external symbol, return its index in
// the payloads array.
func (l *Loader) newPayload(name string, ver int) int {}

// getPayload returns a pointer to the extSymPayload struct for an
// external symbol if the symbol has a payload. Will panic if the
// symbol in question is bogus (zero or not an external sym).
func (l *Loader) getPayload(i Sym) *extSymPayload {}

// allocPayload allocates a new payload.
func (l *Loader) allocPayload() *extSymPayload {}

func (ms *extSymPayload) Grow(siz int64) {}

// Convert a local index to a global index.
func (l *Loader) toGlobal(r *oReader, i uint32) Sym {}

// Convert a global index to a local index.
func (l *Loader) toLocal(i Sym) (*oReader, uint32) {}

// Resolve a local symbol reference. Return global index.
func (l *Loader) resolve(r *oReader, s goobj.SymRef) Sym {}

// reportMissingBuiltin issues an error in the case where we have a
// relocation against a runtime builtin whose definition is not found
// when the runtime package is built. The canonical example is
// "runtime.racefuncenter" -- currently if you do something like
//	go build -gcflags=-race myprogram.go
// the compiler will insert calls to the builtin runtime.racefuncenter,
// but the version of the runtime used for linkage won't actually contain
// definitions of that symbol. See issue #42396 for details.
// As currently implemented, this is a fatal error. This has drawbacks
// in that if there are multiple missing builtins, the error will only
// cite the first one. On the plus side, terminating the link here has
// advantages in that we won't run the risk of panics or crashes later
// on in the linker due to R_CALL relocations with 0-valued target
// symbols.
func (l *Loader) reportMissingBuiltin(bsym int, reflib string) {}

// Look up a symbol by name, return global index, or 0 if not found.
// This is more like Syms.ROLookup than Lookup -- it doesn't create
// new symbol.
func (l *Loader) Lookup(name string, ver int) Sym {}

// Check that duplicate symbols have same contents.
func (l *Loader) checkdup(name string, r *oReader, li uint32, dup Sym) {}

func (l *Loader) NStrictDupMsgs() int {}

// Number of total symbols.
func (l *Loader) NSym() int {}

// Number of defined Go symbols.
func (l *Loader) NDef() int {}

// Number of reachable symbols.
func (l *Loader) NReachableSym() int {}

// Returns the name of the i-th symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymName(i Sym) string {}

// Returns the version of the i-th symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymVersion(i Sym) int {}

func (l *Loader) IsFileLocal(i Sym) bool {}

// IsFromAssembly returns true if this symbol is derived from an
// object file generated by the Go assembler.
func (l *Loader) IsFromAssembly(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns the type of the i-th symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymType(i Sym) sym.SymKind {}

// Returns the attributes of the i-th symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymAttr(i Sym) uint8 {}

// Returns the size of the i-th symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymSize(i Sym) int64 {}

// AttrReachable returns true for symbols that are transitively
// referenced from the entry points. Unreachable symbols are not
// written to the output.
func (l *Loader) AttrReachable(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrReachable sets the reachability property for a symbol (see
// AttrReachable).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrReachable(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrOnList returns true for symbols that are on some list (such as
// the list of all text symbols, or one of the lists of data symbols)
// and is consulted to avoid bugs where a symbol is put on a list
// twice.
func (l *Loader) AttrOnList(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrOnList sets the "on list" property for a symbol (see
// AttrOnList).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrOnList(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrLocal returns true for symbols that are only visible within the
// module (executable or shared library) being linked. This attribute
// is applied to thunks and certain other linker-generated symbols.
func (l *Loader) AttrLocal(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrLocal the "local" property for a symbol (see AttrLocal above).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrLocal(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrUsedInIface returns true for a type symbol that is used in
// an interface.
func (l *Loader) AttrUsedInIface(i Sym) bool {}

func (l *Loader) SetAttrUsedInIface(i Sym, v bool) {}

// SymAddr checks that a symbol is reachable, and returns its value.
func (l *Loader) SymAddr(i Sym) int64 {}

// AttrNotInSymbolTable returns true for symbols that should not be
// added to the symbol table of the final generated load module.
func (l *Loader) AttrNotInSymbolTable(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrNotInSymbolTable the "not in symtab" property for a symbol
// (see AttrNotInSymbolTable above).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrNotInSymbolTable(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrVisibilityHidden symbols returns true for ELF symbols with
// visibility set to STV_HIDDEN. They become local symbols in
// the final executable. Only relevant when internally linking
// on an ELF platform.
func (l *Loader) AttrVisibilityHidden(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrVisibilityHidden sets the "hidden visibility" property for a
// symbol (see AttrVisibilityHidden).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrVisibilityHidden(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrDuplicateOK returns true for a symbol that can be present in
// multiple object files.
func (l *Loader) AttrDuplicateOK(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrDuplicateOK sets the "duplicate OK" property for an external
// symbol (see AttrDuplicateOK).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrDuplicateOK(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrShared returns true for symbols compiled with the -shared option.
func (l *Loader) AttrShared(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrShared sets the "shared" property for an external
// symbol (see AttrShared).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrShared(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrExternal returns true for function symbols loaded from host
// object files.
func (l *Loader) AttrExternal(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrExternal sets the "external" property for a host object
// symbol (see AttrExternal).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrExternal(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrSpecial returns true for a symbols that do not have their
// address (i.e. Value) computed by the usual mechanism of
// data.go:dodata() & data.go:address().
func (l *Loader) AttrSpecial(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrSpecial sets the "special" property for a symbol (see
// AttrSpecial).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrSpecial(i Sym, v bool) {}

// AttrCgoExportDynamic returns true for a symbol that has been
// specially marked via the "cgo_export_dynamic" compiler directive
// written by cgo (in response to //export directives in the source).
func (l *Loader) AttrCgoExportDynamic(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrCgoExportDynamic sets the "cgo_export_dynamic" for a symbol
// (see AttrCgoExportDynamic).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrCgoExportDynamic(i Sym, v bool) {}

// ForAllCgoExportDynamic calls f for every symbol that has been
// marked with the "cgo_export_dynamic" compiler directive.
func (l *Loader) ForAllCgoExportDynamic(f func(Sym)) {}

// AttrCgoExportStatic returns true for a symbol that has been
// specially marked via the "cgo_export_static" directive
// written by cgo.
func (l *Loader) AttrCgoExportStatic(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrCgoExportStatic sets the "cgo_export_static" for a symbol
// (see AttrCgoExportStatic).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrCgoExportStatic(i Sym, v bool) {}

// IsGeneratedSym returns true if a symbol's been previously marked as a
// generator symbol through the SetIsGeneratedSym. The functions for generator
// symbols are kept in the Link context.
func (l *Loader) IsGeneratedSym(i Sym) bool {}

// SetIsGeneratedSym marks symbols as generated symbols. Data shouldn't be
// stored in generated symbols, and a function is registered and called for
// each of these symbols.
func (l *Loader) SetIsGeneratedSym(i Sym, v bool) {}

func (l *Loader) AttrCgoExport(i Sym) bool {}

// AttrReadOnly returns true for a symbol whose underlying data
// is stored via a read-only mmap.
func (l *Loader) AttrReadOnly(i Sym) bool {}

// SetAttrReadOnly sets the "data is read only" property for a symbol
// (see AttrReadOnly).
func (l *Loader) SetAttrReadOnly(i Sym, v bool) {}

func (l *Loader) AttrSubSymbol(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether the i-th symbol has ReflectMethod attribute set.
func (l *Loader) IsReflectMethod(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether the i-th symbol is nosplit.
func (l *Loader) IsNoSplit(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether this is a Go type symbol.
func (l *Loader) IsGoType(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether this symbol should be included in typelink.
func (l *Loader) IsTypelink(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether this symbol is an itab symbol.
func (l *Loader) IsItab(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether this symbol is a dictionary symbol.
func (l *Loader) IsDict(i Sym) bool {}

// Returns whether this symbol is a compiler-generated package init func.
func (l *Loader) IsPkgInit(i Sym) bool {}

// Return whether this is a trampoline of a deferreturn call.
func (l *Loader) IsDeferReturnTramp(i Sym) bool {}

// Set that i is a trampoline of a deferreturn call.
func (l *Loader) SetIsDeferReturnTramp(i Sym, v bool) {}

// growValues grows the slice used to store symbol values.
func (l *Loader) growValues(reqLen int) {}

// SymValue returns the value of the i-th symbol. i is global index.
func (l *Loader) SymValue(i Sym) int64 {}

// SetSymValue sets the value of the i-th symbol. i is global index.
func (l *Loader) SetSymValue(i Sym, val int64) {}

// AddToSymValue adds to the value of the i-th symbol. i is the global index.
func (l *Loader) AddToSymValue(i Sym, val int64) {}

// Returns the symbol content of the i-th symbol. i is global index.
func (l *Loader) Data(i Sym) []byte {}

// Returns the symbol content of the i-th symbol as a string. i is global index.
func (l *Loader) DataString(i Sym) string {}

// FreeData clears the symbol data of an external symbol, allowing the memory
// to be freed earlier. No-op for non-external symbols.
// i is global index.
func (l *Loader) FreeData(i Sym) {}

// SymAlign returns the alignment for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymAlign(i Sym) int32 {}

// SetSymAlign sets the alignment for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymAlign(i Sym, align int32) {}

// SymSect returns the section of the i-th symbol. i is global index.
func (l *Loader) SymSect(i Sym) *sym.Section {}

// SetSymSect sets the section of the i-th symbol. i is global index.
func (l *Loader) SetSymSect(i Sym, sect *sym.Section) {}

// NewSection creates a new (output) section.
func (l *Loader) NewSection() *sym.Section {}

// SymDynimplib returns the "dynimplib" attribute for the specified
// symbol, making up a portion of the info for a symbol specified
// on a "cgo_import_dynamic" compiler directive.
func (l *Loader) SymDynimplib(i Sym) string {}

// SetSymDynimplib sets the "dynimplib" attribute for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymDynimplib(i Sym, value string) {}

// SymDynimpvers returns the "dynimpvers" attribute for the specified
// symbol, making up a portion of the info for a symbol specified
// on a "cgo_import_dynamic" compiler directive.
func (l *Loader) SymDynimpvers(i Sym) string {}

// SetSymDynimpvers sets the "dynimpvers" attribute for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymDynimpvers(i Sym, value string) {}

// SymExtname returns the "extname" value for the specified
// symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymExtname(i Sym) string {}

// SetSymExtname sets the  "extname" attribute for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymExtname(i Sym, value string) {}

// SymElfType returns the previously recorded ELF type for a symbol
// (used only for symbols read from shared libraries by ldshlibsyms).
// It is not set for symbols defined by the packages being linked or
// by symbols read by ldelf (and so is left as elf.STT_NOTYPE).
func (l *Loader) SymElfType(i Sym) elf.SymType {}

// SetSymElfType sets the elf type attribute for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymElfType(i Sym, et elf.SymType) {}

// SymElfSym returns the ELF symbol index for a given loader
// symbol, assigned during ELF symtab generation.
func (l *Loader) SymElfSym(i Sym) int32 {}

// SetSymElfSym sets the elf symbol index for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymElfSym(i Sym, es int32) {}

// SymLocalElfSym returns the "local" ELF symbol index for a given loader
// symbol, assigned during ELF symtab generation.
func (l *Loader) SymLocalElfSym(i Sym) int32 {}

// SetSymLocalElfSym sets the "local" elf symbol index for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymLocalElfSym(i Sym, es int32) {}

// SymPlt returns the PLT offset of symbol s.
func (l *Loader) SymPlt(s Sym) int32 {}

// SetPlt sets the PLT offset of symbol i.
func (l *Loader) SetPlt(i Sym, v int32) {}

// SymGot returns the GOT offset of symbol s.
func (l *Loader) SymGot(s Sym) int32 {}

// SetGot sets the GOT offset of symbol i.
func (l *Loader) SetGot(i Sym, v int32) {}

// SymDynid returns the "dynid" property for the specified symbol.
func (l *Loader) SymDynid(i Sym) int32 {}

// SetSymDynid sets the "dynid" property for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymDynid(i Sym, val int32) {}

// DynidSyms returns the set of symbols for which dynID is set to an
// interesting (non-default) value. This is expected to be a fairly
// small set.
func (l *Loader) DynidSyms() []Sym {}

// SymGoType returns the 'Gotype' property for a given symbol (set by
// the Go compiler for variable symbols). This version relies on
// reading aux symbols for the target sym -- it could be that a faster
// approach would be to check for gotype during preload and copy the
// results in to a map (might want to try this at some point and see
// if it helps speed things up).
func (l *Loader) SymGoType(i Sym) Sym {}

// SymUnit returns the compilation unit for a given symbol (which will
// typically be nil for external or linker-manufactured symbols).
func (l *Loader) SymUnit(i Sym) *sym.CompilationUnit {}

// SymPkg returns the package where the symbol came from (for
// regular compiler-generated Go symbols), but in the case of
// building with "-linkshared" (when a symbol is read from a
// shared library), will hold the library name.
// NOTE: this corresponds to sym.Symbol.File field.
func (l *Loader) SymPkg(i Sym) string {}

// SetSymPkg sets the package/library for a symbol. This is
// needed mainly for external symbols, specifically those imported
// from shared libraries.
func (l *Loader) SetSymPkg(i Sym, pkg string) {}

// SymLocalentry returns an offset in bytes of the "local entry" of a symbol.
// On PPC64, a value of 1 indicates the symbol does not use or preserve a TOC
// pointer in R2, nor does it have a distinct local entry.
func (l *Loader) SymLocalentry(i Sym) uint8 {}

// SetSymLocalentry sets the "local entry" offset attribute for a symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetSymLocalentry(i Sym, value uint8) {}

// Returns the number of aux symbols given a global index.
func (l *Loader) NAux(i Sym) int {}

// Returns the "handle" to the j-th aux symbol of the i-th symbol.
func (l *Loader) Aux(i Sym, j int) Aux {}

// WasmImportSym returns the auxiliary WebAssembly import symbol associated with
// a given function symbol. The aux sym only exists for Go function stubs that
// have been annotated with the //go:wasmimport directive.  The aux sym
// contains the information necessary for the linker to add a WebAssembly
// import statement.
// (https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/syntax/modules.html#imports)
func (l *Loader) WasmImportSym(fnSymIdx Sym) Sym {}

func (l *Loader) WasmTypeSym(s Sym) Sym {}

// SEHUnwindSym returns the auxiliary SEH unwind symbol associated with
// a given function symbol.
func (l *Loader) SEHUnwindSym(fnSymIdx Sym) Sym {}

// GetFuncDwarfAuxSyms collects and returns the auxiliary DWARF
// symbols associated with a given function symbol.  Prior to the
// introduction of the loader, this was done purely using name
// lookups, e.f. for function with name XYZ we would then look up
// go.info.XYZ, etc.
func (l *Loader) GetFuncDwarfAuxSyms(fnSymIdx Sym) (auxDwarfInfo, auxDwarfLoc, auxDwarfRanges, auxDwarfLines Sym) {}

func (l *Loader) GetVarDwarfAuxSym(i Sym) Sym {}

// AddInteriorSym sets up 'interior' as an interior symbol of
// container/payload symbol 'container'. An interior symbol does not
// itself have data, but gives a name to a subrange of the data in its
// container symbol. The container itself may or may not have a name.
// This method is intended primarily for use in the host object
// loaders, to capture the semantics of symbols and sections in an
// object file. When reading a host object file, we'll typically
// encounter a static section symbol (ex: ".text") containing content
// for a collection of functions, then a series of ELF (or macho, etc)
// symbol table entries each of which points into a sub-section
// (offset and length) of its corresponding container symbol. Within
// the go linker we create a loader.Sym for the container (which is
// expected to have the actual content/payload) and then a set of
// interior loader.Sym's that point into a portion of the container.
func (l *Loader) AddInteriorSym(container Sym, interior Sym) {}

// OuterSym gets the outer/container symbol.
func (l *Loader) OuterSym(i Sym) Sym {}

// SubSym gets the subsymbol for host object loaded symbols.
func (l *Loader) SubSym(i Sym) Sym {}

// growOuter grows the slice used to store outer symbol.
func (l *Loader) growOuter(reqLen int) {}

// SetCarrierSym declares that 'c' is the carrier or container symbol
// for 's'. Carrier symbols are used in the linker to as a container
// for a collection of sub-symbols where the content of the
// sub-symbols is effectively concatenated to form the content of the
// carrier. The carrier is given a name in the output symbol table
// while the sub-symbol names are not. For example, the Go compiler
// emits named string symbols (type SGOSTRING) when compiling a
// package; after being deduplicated, these symbols are collected into
// a single unit by assigning them a new carrier symbol named
// "go:string.*" (which appears in the final symbol table for the
// output load module).
func (l *Loader) SetCarrierSym(s Sym, c Sym) {}

// Initialize Reachable bitmap and its siblings for running deadcode pass.
func (l *Loader) InitReachable() {}

type symWithVal

type bySymValue

func (s bySymValue) Len() int           {}

func (s bySymValue) Swap(i, j int)      {}

func (s bySymValue) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// SortSub walks through the sub-symbols for 's' and sorts them
// in place by increasing value. Return value is the new
// sub symbol for the specified outer symbol.
func (l *Loader) SortSub(s Sym) Sym {}

// SortSyms sorts a list of symbols by their value.
func (l *Loader) SortSyms(ss []Sym) {}

// Insure that reachable bitmap and its siblings have enough size.
func (l *Loader) growAttrBitmaps(reqLen int) {}

func (l *Loader) growExtAttrBitmaps() {}

func (relocs *Relocs) Count() int {}

// At returns the j-th reloc for a global symbol.
func (relocs *Relocs) At(j int) Reloc {}

// Relocs returns a Relocs object for the given global sym.
func (l *Loader) Relocs(i Sym) Relocs {}

// relocs returns a Relocs object given a local sym index and reader.
func (l *Loader) relocs(r *oReader, li uint32) Relocs {}

func (l *Loader) auxs(i Sym) (*oReader, []goobj.Aux) {}

// Returns a specific aux symbol of type t for symbol i.
func (l *Loader) aux1(i Sym, t uint8) Sym {}

func (l *Loader) Pcsp(i Sym) Sym {}

// Returns all aux symbols of per-PC data for symbol i.
// tmp is a scratch space for the pcdata slice.
func (l *Loader) PcdataAuxs(i Sym, tmp []Sym) (pcsp, pcfile, pcline, pcinline Sym, pcdata []Sym) {}

// Returns the number of pcdata for symbol i.
func (l *Loader) NumPcdata(i Sym) int {}

// Returns all funcdata symbols of symbol i.
// tmp is a scratch space.
func (l *Loader) Funcdata(i Sym, tmp []Sym) []Sym {}

// Returns the number of funcdata for symbol i.
func (l *Loader) NumFuncdata(i Sym) int {}

type FuncInfo

func (fi *FuncInfo) Valid() bool {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) Args() int {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) Locals() int {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) FuncID() abi.FuncID {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) FuncFlag() abi.FuncFlag {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) StartLine() int32 {}

// Preload has to be called prior to invoking the various methods
// below related to pcdata, funcdataoff, files, and inltree nodes.
func (fi *FuncInfo) Preload() {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) NumFile() uint32 {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) File(k int) goobj.CUFileIndex {}

// TopFrame returns true if the function associated with this FuncInfo
// is an entry point, meaning that unwinders should stop when they hit
// this function.
func (fi *FuncInfo) TopFrame() bool {}

type InlTreeNode

func (fi *FuncInfo) NumInlTree() uint32 {}

func (fi *FuncInfo) InlTree(k int) InlTreeNode {}

func (l *Loader) FuncInfo(i Sym) FuncInfo {}

// Preload a package: adds autolib.
// Does not add defined package or non-packaged symbols to the symbol table.
// These are done in LoadSyms.
// Does not read symbol data.
// Returns the fingerprint of the object.
func (l *Loader) Preload(localSymVersion int, f *bio.Reader, lib *sym.Library, unit *sym.CompilationUnit, length int64) goobj.FingerprintType {}

type loadState

type linknameVarRef

// Preload symbols of given kind from an object.
func (st *loadState) preloadSyms(r *oReader, kind int) {}

// Add syms, hashed (content-addressable) symbols, non-package symbols, and
// references to external symbols (which are always named).
func (l *Loader) LoadSyms(arch *sys.Arch) {}

func loadObjRefs(l *Loader, r *oReader, arch *sys.Arch) {}

func abiToVer(abi uint16, localSymVersion int) int {}

var blockedLinknames

// check if a linkname reference to symbol s from pkg is allowed
func (l *Loader) checkLinkname(pkg, name string, s Sym) {}

// TopLevelSym tests a symbol (by name and kind) to determine whether
// the symbol first class sym (participating in the link) or is an
// anonymous aux or sub-symbol containing some sub-part or payload of
// another symbol.
func (l *Loader) TopLevelSym(s Sym) bool {}

// topLevelSym tests a symbol name and kind to determine whether
// the symbol first class sym (participating in the link) or is an
// anonymous aux or sub-symbol containing some sub-part or payload of
// another symbol.
func topLevelSym(sname string, skind sym.SymKind) bool {}

// cloneToExternal takes the existing object file symbol (symIdx)
// and creates a new external symbol payload that is a clone with
// respect to name, version, type, relocations, etc. The idea here
// is that if the linker decides it wants to update the contents of
// a symbol originally discovered as part of an object file, it's
// easier to do this if we make the updates to an external symbol
// payload.
func (l *Loader) cloneToExternal(symIdx Sym) {}

// Copy the payload of symbol src to dst. Both src and dst must be external
// symbols.
// The intended use case is that when building/linking against a shared library,
// where we do symbol name mangling, the Go object file may have reference to
// the original symbol name whereas the shared library provides a symbol with
// the mangled name. When we do mangling, we copy payload of mangled to original.
func (l *Loader) CopySym(src, dst Sym) {}

// CreateExtSym creates a new external symbol with the specified name
// without adding it to any lookup tables, returning a Sym index for it.
func (l *Loader) CreateExtSym(name string, ver int) Sym {}

// CreateStaticSym creates a new static symbol with the specified name
// without adding it to any lookup tables, returning a Sym index for it.
func (l *Loader) CreateStaticSym(name string) Sym {}

func (l *Loader) FreeSym(i Sym) {}

type relocId

// SetRelocVariant sets the 'variant' property of a relocation on
// some specific symbol.
func (l *Loader) SetRelocVariant(s Sym, ri int, v sym.RelocVariant) {}

// RelocVariant returns the 'variant' property of a relocation on
// some specific symbol.
func (l *Loader) RelocVariant(s Sym, ri int) sym.RelocVariant {}

// UndefinedRelocTargets iterates through the global symbol index
// space, looking for symbols with relocations targeting undefined
// references. The linker's loadlib method uses this to determine if
// there are unresolved references to functions in system libraries
// (for example, libgcc.a), presumably due to CGO code. Return value
// is a pair of lists of loader.Sym's. First list corresponds to the
// corresponding to the undefined symbols themselves, the second list
// is the symbol that is making a reference to the undef. The "limit"
// param controls the maximum number of results returned; if "limit"
// is -1, then all undefs are returned.
func (l *Loader) UndefinedRelocTargets(limit int) ([]Sym, []Sym) {}

// AssignTextSymbolOrder populates the Textp slices within each
// library and compilation unit, insuring that packages are laid down
// in dependency order (internal first, then everything else). Return value
// is a slice of all text syms.
func (l *Loader) AssignTextSymbolOrder(libs []*sym.Library, intlibs []bool, extsyms []Sym) []Sym {}

type ErrorReporter

// Errorf method logs an error message.
// After each error, the error actions function will be invoked; this
// will either terminate the link immediately (if -h option given)
// or it will keep a count and exit if more than 20 errors have been printed.
// Logging an error means that on exit cmd/link will delete any
// output file and return a non-zero error code.
func (reporter *ErrorReporter) Errorf(s Sym, format string, args ...interface{}

// GetErrorReporter returns the loader's associated error reporter.
func (l *Loader) GetErrorReporter() *ErrorReporter {}

// Errorf method logs an error message. See ErrorReporter.Errorf for details.
func (l *Loader) Errorf(s Sym, format string, args ...interface{}

// Symbol statistics.
func (l *Loader) Stat() string {}

// For debugging.
func (l *Loader) Dump() {}