
type SymbolBuilder

// MakeSymbolBuilder creates a symbol builder for use in constructing
// an entirely new symbol.
func (l *Loader) MakeSymbolBuilder(name string) *SymbolBuilder {}

// MakeSymbolUpdater creates a symbol builder helper for an existing
// symbol 'symIdx'. If 'symIdx' is not an external symbol, then create
// a clone of it (copy name, properties, etc) fix things up so that
// the lookup tables and caches point to the new version, not the old
// version.
func (l *Loader) MakeSymbolUpdater(symIdx Sym) *SymbolBuilder {}

// CreateSymForUpdate creates a symbol with given name and version,
// returns a CreateSymForUpdate for update. If the symbol already
// exists, it will update in-place.
func (l *Loader) CreateSymForUpdate(name string, version int) *SymbolBuilder {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Sym() Sym               {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Name() string           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Version() int           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Type() sym.SymKind      {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Size() int64            {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Data() []byte           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Value() int64           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Align() int32           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Localentry() uint8      {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) OnList() bool           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) External() bool         {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Extname() string        {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) CgoExportDynamic() bool {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Dynimplib() string      {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Dynimpvers() string     {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SubSym() Sym            {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) GoType() Sym            {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) VisibilityHidden() bool {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Sect() *sym.Section     {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetType(kind sym.SymKind)   {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetSize(size int64)         {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetData(data []byte)        {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetOnList(v bool)           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetExternal(v bool)         {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetValue(v int64)           {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetAlign(align int32)       {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetLocalentry(value uint8)  {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetExtname(value string)    {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetDynimplib(value string)  {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetDynimpvers(value string) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetPlt(value int32)         {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetGot(value int32)         {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetSpecial(value bool)      {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetLocal(value bool)        {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetVisibilityHidden(value bool) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetNotInSymbolTable(value bool) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetSect(sect *sym.Section) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddBytes(data []byte) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Relocs() Relocs {}

// ResetRelocs removes all relocations on this symbol.
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) ResetRelocs() {}

// SetRelocType sets the type of the 'i'-th relocation on this sym to 't'
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetRelocType(i int, t objabi.RelocType) {}

// SetRelocSym sets the target sym of the 'i'-th relocation on this sym to 's'
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetRelocSym(i int, tgt Sym) {}

// SetRelocAdd sets the addend of the 'i'-th relocation on this sym to 'a'
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetRelocAdd(i int, a int64) {}

// Add n relocations, return a handle to the relocations.
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddRelocs(n int) Relocs {}

// Add a relocation with given type, return its handle and index
// (to set other fields).
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddRel(typ objabi.RelocType) (Reloc, int) {}

// SortRelocs Sort relocations by offset.
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SortRelocs() {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Reachable() bool {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetReachable(v bool) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) ReadOnly() bool {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetReadOnly(v bool) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) DuplicateOK() bool {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetDuplicateOK(v bool) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Outer() Sym {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Sub() Sym {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SortSub() {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddInteriorSym(sub Sym) {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUint8(v uint8) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUintXX(arch *sys.Arch, v uint64, wid int) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) setUintXX(arch *sys.Arch, off int64, v uint64, wid int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUint16(arch *sys.Arch, v uint16) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUint32(arch *sys.Arch, v uint32) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUint64(arch *sys.Arch, v uint64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUint(arch *sys.Arch, v uint64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetUint8(arch *sys.Arch, r int64, v uint8) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetUint16(arch *sys.Arch, r int64, v uint16) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetUint32(arch *sys.Arch, r int64, v uint32) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetUint(arch *sys.Arch, r int64, v uint64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetUintptr(arch *sys.Arch, r int64, v uintptr) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetAddrPlus(arch *sys.Arch, off int64, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetAddr(arch *sys.Arch, off int64, tgt Sym) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddStringAt(off int64, str string) int64 {}

// AddCStringAt adds str plus a null terminating byte.
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddCStringAt(off int64, str string) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) Addstring(str string) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) SetBytesAt(off int64, b []byte) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) addSymRef(tgt Sym, add int64, typ objabi.RelocType, rsize int) int64 {}

// Add a symbol reference (relocation) with given type, addend, and size
// (the most generic form).
func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddSymRef(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64, typ objabi.RelocType, rsize int) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddAddrPlus(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddAddrPlus4(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddAddr(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddPEImageRelativeAddrPlus(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddPCRelPlus(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddCURelativeAddrPlus(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddSize(arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym) int64 {}

// GenAddAddrPlusFunc returns a function to be called when capturing
// a function symbol's address. In later stages of the link (when
// address assignment is done) when doing internal linking and
// targeting an executable, we can just emit the address of a function
// directly instead of generating a relocation. Clients can call
// this function (setting 'internalExec' based on build mode and target)
// and then invoke the returned function in roughly the same way that
// loader.*SymbolBuilder.AddAddrPlus would be used.
func GenAddAddrPlusFunc(internalExec bool) func(s *SymbolBuilder, arch *sys.Arch, tgt Sym, add int64) int64 {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) MakeWritable() {}

func (sb *SymbolBuilder) AddUleb(v uint64) {}