
const usageMessage

func usage() {}

func main() {}

var op

var verbose

// setOp parses the operation string (first argument).
func setOp(arg string) {}

const arHeader

type Archive

// archive opens (and if necessary creates) the named archive.
func openArchive(name string, mode int, files []string) *Archive {}

// scan scans the archive and executes the specified action on each entry.
func (ar *Archive) scan(action func(*archive.Entry)) {}

// listEntry prints to standard output a line describing the entry.
func listEntry(e *archive.Entry, verbose bool) {}

// output copies the entry to the specified writer.
func (ar *Archive) output(e *archive.Entry, w io.Writer) {}

// match reports whether the entry matches the argument list.
// If it does, it also drops the file from the to-be-processed list.
func (ar *Archive) match(e *archive.Entry) bool {}

// addFiles adds files to the archive. The archive is known to be
// sane and we are positioned at the end. No attempt is made
// to check for existing files.
func (ar *Archive) addFiles() {}

type FileLike

// addFile adds a single file to the archive
func (ar *Archive) addFile(fd FileLike) {}

// addPkgdef adds the __.PKGDEF file to the archive, copied
// from the first Go object file on the file list, if any.
// The archive is known to be empty.
func (ar *Archive) addPkgdef() {}

var stdout

// printContents implements the 'p' command.
func (ar *Archive) printContents(e *archive.Entry) {}

// tableOfContents implements the 't' command.
func (ar *Archive) tableOfContents(e *archive.Entry) {}

// extractContents implements the 'x' command.
func (ar *Archive) extractContents(e *archive.Entry) {}

func (ar *Archive) extractContents1(e *archive.Entry, out io.Writer) {}

// isGoCompilerObjFile reports whether file is an object file created
// by the Go compiler, which is an archive file with exactly one entry
// of __.PKGDEF, or _go_.o, or both entries.
func isGoCompilerObjFile(a *archive.Archive) bool {}