
// PProf acquires a profile, and symbolizes it using a profile
// manager. Then it generates a report formatted according to the
// options selected through the flags package.
func PProf(o *Options) error {}

func (o *Options) internalOptions() *plugin.Options {}

type HTTPServerArgs

type Options

type Writer

type FlagSet

type Fetcher

type Symbolizer

type MappingSources

type ObjTool

type Inst

type ObjFile

type Frame

type Sym

type UI

type internalObjTool

func (o *internalObjTool) Open(file string, start, limit, offset uint64, relocationSymbol string) (plugin.ObjFile, error) {}

type internalObjFile

func (f *internalObjFile) SourceLine(frame uint64) ([]plugin.Frame, error) {}

func (f *internalObjFile) Symbols(r *regexp.Regexp, addr uint64) ([]*plugin.Sym, error) {}

func (o *internalObjTool) Disasm(file string, start, end uint64, intelSyntax bool) ([]plugin.Inst, error) {}

type internalSymbolizer

func (s *internalSymbolizer) Symbolize(mode string, srcs plugin.MappingSources, prof *profile.Profile) error {}