
type commands

type command

// help returns a help string for a command.
func (c *command) help(name string) string {}

// AddCommand adds an additional command to the set of commands
// accepted by pprof. This enables extensions to add new commands for
// specialized visualization formats. If the command specified already
// exists, it is overwritten.
func AddCommand(cmd string, format int, post PostProcessor, desc, usage string) {}

// SetVariableDefault sets the default value for a pprof
// variable. This enables extensions to set their own defaults.
func SetVariableDefault(variable, value string) {}

type PostProcessor

var interactiveMode

var pprofCommands

var configHelp

func helpText(s ...string) string {}

// usage returns a string describing the pprof commands and configuration
// options.  if commandLine is set, the output reflect cli usage.
func usage(commandLine bool) string {}

func reportHelp(c string, cum, redirect bool) string {}

func listHelp(c string, redirect bool) string {}

// browsers returns a list of commands to attempt for web visualization.
func browsers() []string {}

var kcachegrind

// awayFromTTY saves the output in a file if it would otherwise go to
// the terminal screen. This is used to avoid dumping binary data on
// the screen.
func awayFromTTY(format string) PostProcessor {}

func invokeDot(format string) PostProcessor {}

// massageDotSVG invokes the dot tool to generate an SVG image and alters
// the image to have panning capabilities when viewed in a browser.
func massageDotSVG() PostProcessor {}

func invokeVisualizer(suffix string, visualizers []string) PostProcessor {}

// stringToBool is a custom parser for bools. We avoid using strconv.ParseBool
// to remain compatible with old pprof behavior (e.g., treating "" as true).
func stringToBool(s string) (bool, error) {}