
type config

// defaultConfig returns the default configuration values; it is unaffected by
// flags and interactive assignments.
func defaultConfig() config {}

var currentCfg

var currentMu

func currentConfig() config {}

func setCurrentConfig(cfg config) {}

type configField

var configFields

var configFieldMap

func init() {}

// fieldPtr returns a pointer to the field identified by f in *cfg.
func (cfg *config) fieldPtr(f configField) interface{}

// get returns the value of field f in cfg.
func (cfg *config) get(f configField) string {}

// set sets the value of field f in cfg to value.
func (cfg *config) set(f configField, value string) error {}

// isConfigurable returns true if name is either the name of a config field, or
// a valid value for a multi-choice config field.
func isConfigurable(name string) bool {}

// isBoolConfig returns true if name is either name of a boolean config field,
// or a valid value for a multi-choice config field.
func isBoolConfig(name string) bool {}

// completeConfig returns the list of configurable names starting with prefix.
func completeConfig(prefix string) []string {}

// configure stores the name=value mapping into the current config, correctly
// handling the case when name identifies a particular choice in a field.
func configure(name, value string) error {}

// resetTransient sets all transient fields in *cfg to their currently
// configured values.
func (cfg *config) resetTransient() {}

// applyURL updates *cfg based on params.
func (cfg *config) applyURL(params url.Values) error {}

// makeURL returns a URL based on initialURL that contains the config contents
// as parameters.  The second result is true iff a parameter value was changed.
func (cfg *config) makeURL(initialURL url.URL) (url.URL, bool) {}