
// PProf acquires a profile, and symbolizes it using a profile
// manager. Then it generates a report formatted according to the
// options selected through the flags package.
func PProf(eo *plugin.Options) error {}

// generateRawReport is allowed to modify p.
func generateRawReport(p *profile.Profile, cmd []string, cfg config, o *plugin.Options) (*command, *report.Report, error) {}

// generateReport is allowed to modify p.
func generateReport(p *profile.Profile, cmd []string, cfg config, o *plugin.Options) error {}

func printWebList(dst io.Writer, rpt *report.Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {}

func applyCommandOverrides(cmd string, outputFormat int, cfg config) config {}

// generateTagRootsLeaves generates extra nodes from the tagroot and tagleaf options.
func generateTagRootsLeaves(prof *profile.Profile, cfg config, ui plugin.UI) {}

// dropEmptyStrings filters a slice to only non-empty strings
func dropEmptyStrings(in []string) (out []string) {}

func aggregate(prof *profile.Profile, cfg config) error {}

func reportOptions(p *profile.Profile, numLabelUnits map[string]string, cfg config) (*report.Options, error) {}

// identifyNumLabelUnits returns a map of numeric label keys to the units
// associated with those keys.
func identifyNumLabelUnits(p *profile.Profile, ui plugin.UI) map[string]string {}

type sampleValueFunc

// sampleFormat returns a function to extract values out of a profile.Sample,
// and the type/units of those values.
func sampleFormat(p *profile.Profile, sampleIndex string, mean bool) (value, meanDiv sampleValueFunc, v *profile.ValueType, err error) {}

func valueExtractor(ix int) sampleValueFunc {}

type profileCopier

func makeProfileCopier(src *profile.Profile) profileCopier {}

// newCopy returns a new copy of the profile.
func (c profileCopier) newCopy() *profile.Profile {}