
type webInterface

func makeWebInterface(p *profile.Profile, copier profileCopier, opt *plugin.Options) (*webInterface, error) {}

const maxEntries

type errorCatcher

func (ec *errorCatcher) PrintErr(args ...interface{}

type webArgs

func serveWebInterface(hostport string, p *profile.Profile, o *plugin.Options, disableBrowser bool) error {}

func getHostAndPort(hostport string) (string, int, error) {}

func defaultWebServer(args *plugin.HTTPServerArgs) error {}

// redirectWithQuery responds with a given redirect code, preserving query
// parameters in the redirect URL. It does not convert relative paths to
// absolute paths like http.Redirect does, so that HTTPServerArgs.Handlers can
// generate relative redirects that work with the external prefixing.
func redirectWithQuery(path string, code int) http.HandlerFunc {}

func isLocalhost(host string) bool {}

func openBrowser(url string, o *plugin.Options) {}

// makeReport generates a report for the specified command.
// If configEditor is not null, it is used to edit the config used for the report.
func (ui *webInterface) makeReport(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request,
	cmd []string, configEditor func(*config)) (*report.Report, []string) {}

// renderHTML generates html using the named template based on the contents of data.
func renderHTML(dst io.Writer, tmpl string, rpt *report.Report, errList, legend []string, data webArgs) error {}

// render responds with html generated by passing data to the named template.
func (ui *webInterface) render(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, tmpl string,
	rpt *report.Report, errList, legend []string, data webArgs) {}

// dot generates a web page containing an svg diagram.
func (ui *webInterface) dot(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

func dotToSvg(dot []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

func (ui *webInterface) top(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// disasm generates a web page containing disassembly.
func (ui *webInterface) disasm(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// source generates a web page containing source code annotated with profile
// data.
func (ui *webInterface) source(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// peek generates a web page listing callers/callers.
func (ui *webInterface) peek(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// saveConfig saves URL configuration.
func (ui *webInterface) saveConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// deleteConfig deletes a configuration.
func (ui *webInterface) deleteConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// getFromLegend returns the suffix of an entry in legend that starts
// with param.  It returns def if no such entry is found.
func getFromLegend(legend []string, param, def string) string {}