
type DotAttributes

type DotNodeAttributes

type DotConfig

const maxNodelets

// ComposeDot creates and writes a in the DOT format to the writer, using
// the configurations given.
func ComposeDot(w io.Writer, g *Graph, a *DotAttributes, c *DotConfig) {}

type builder

// start generates a title and initial node in DOT format.
func (b *builder) start() {}

// finish closes the opening curly bracket in the constructed DOT buffer.
func (b *builder) finish() {}

// addLegend generates a legend in DOT format.
func (b *builder) addLegend() {}

// addNode generates a graph node in DOT format.
func (b *builder) addNode(node *Node, nodeID int, maxFlat float64) {}

// addNodelets generates the DOT boxes for the node tags if they exist.
func (b *builder) addNodelets(node *Node, nodeID int) bool {}

func (b *builder) numericNodelets(nts []*Tag, maxNumNodelets int, flatTags bool, source string) string {}

// addEdge generates a graph edge in DOT format.
func (b *builder) addEdge(edge *Edge, from, to int, hasNodelets bool) {}

// dotColor returns a color for the given score (between -1.0 and
// 1.0), with -1.0 colored green, 0.0 colored grey, and 1.0 colored
// red. If isBackground is true, then a light (low-saturation)
// color is returned (suitable for use as a background color);
// otherwise, a darker color is returned (suitable for use as a
// foreground color).
func dotColor(score float64, isBackground bool) string {}

func multilinePrintableName(info *NodeInfo) string {}

// collapsedTags trims and sorts a slice of tags.
func (b *builder) collapsedTags(ts []*Tag, count int, flatTags bool) []*Tag {}

func tagDistance(t, u *Tag) float64 {}

func (b *builder) tagGroupLabel(g []*Tag) (label string, flat, cum int64) {}

func min64(a, b int64) int64 {}

// escapeAllForDot applies escapeForDot to all strings in the given slice.
func escapeAllForDot(in []string) []string {}

// escapeForDot escapes double quotes and backslashes, and replaces Graphviz's
// "center" character (\n) with a left-justified character.
// See https://graphviz.org/docs/attr-types/escString/ for more info.
func escapeForDot(str string) string {}