
// ScaleProfiles updates the units in a set of profiles to make them
// compatible. It scales the profiles to the smallest unit to preserve
// data.
func ScaleProfiles(profiles []*profile.Profile) error {}

// CommonValueType returns the finest type from a set of compatible
// types.
func CommonValueType(ts []*profile.ValueType) (*profile.ValueType, error) {}

func compatibleValueTypes(v1, v2 *profile.ValueType) bool {}

// Scale a measurement from a unit to a different unit and returns
// the scaled value and the target unit. The returned target unit
// will be empty if uninteresting (could be skipped).
func Scale(value int64, fromUnit, toUnit string) (float64, string) {}

// Label returns the label used to describe a certain measurement.
func Label(value int64, unit string) string {}

// ScaledLabel scales the passed-in measurement (if necessary) and
// returns the label used to describe a float measurement.
func ScaledLabel(value int64, fromUnit, toUnit string) string {}

// Percentage computes the percentage of total of a value, and encodes
// it as a string. At least two digits of precision are printed.
func Percentage(value, total int64) string {}

type Unit

type UnitType

// findByAlias returns the unit associated with the specified alias. It returns
// nil if the unit with such alias is not found.
func (ut UnitType) findByAlias(alias string) *Unit {}

// sniffUnit simpifies the input alias and returns the unit associated with the
// specified alias. It returns nil if the unit with such alias is not found.
func (ut UnitType) sniffUnit(unit string) *Unit {}

// autoScale takes in the value with units of the base unit and returns
// that value scaled to a reasonable unit if a reasonable unit is
// found.
func (ut UnitType) autoScale(value float64) (float64, string, bool) {}

// convertUnit converts a value from the fromUnit to the toUnit, autoscaling
// the value if the toUnit is "minimum" or "auto". If the fromUnit is not
// included in the unitType, then a false boolean will be returned. If the
// toUnit is not in the unitType, the value will be returned in terms of the
// default unitType.
func (ut UnitType) convertUnit(value int64, fromUnitStr, toUnitStr string) (float64, string, bool) {}

var UnitTypes