
const Callgrind

const Comments

const Dis

const Dot

const List

const Proto

const Raw

const Tags

const Text

const TopProto

const Traces

const Tree

const WebList

type Options

// Generate generates a report as directed by the Report.
func Generate(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {}

// newTrimmedGraph creates a graph for this report, trimmed according
// to the report options.
func (rpt *Report) newTrimmedGraph() (g *graph.Graph, origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges int) {}

func (rpt *Report) selectOutputUnit(g *graph.Graph) {}

// newGraph creates a new graph for this report. If nodes is non-nil,
// only nodes whose info matches are included. Otherwise, all nodes
// are included, without trimming.
func (rpt *Report) newGraph(nodes graph.NodeSet) *graph.Graph {}

// printProto writes the incoming proto via the writer w.
// If the divide_by option has been specified, samples are scaled appropriately.
func printProto(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// printTopProto writes a list of the hottest routines in a profile as a profile.proto.
func printTopProto(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

type functionMap

// findOrAdd takes a node representing a function, adds the function
// represented by the node to the map if the function is not already present,
// and returns the function the node represents. This also returns a boolean,
// which is true if the function was added and false otherwise.
func (fm functionMap) findOrAdd(ni graph.NodeInfo) (*profile.Function, bool) {}

// printAssembly prints an annotated assembly listing.
func printAssembly(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {}

// PrintAssembly prints annotated disassembly of rpt to w.
func PrintAssembly(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool, maxFuncs int) error {}

// symbolsFromBinaries examines the binaries listed on the profile that have
// associated samples, and returns the identified symbols matching rx.
func symbolsFromBinaries(prof *profile.Profile, g *graph.Graph, rx *regexp.Regexp, address *uint64, obj plugin.ObjTool) []*objSymbol {}

type objSymbol

type orderSyms

func (o orderSyms) Len() int           {}

func (o orderSyms) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (o orderSyms) Swap(i, j int)      {}

// nodesPerSymbol classifies nodes into a group of symbols.
func nodesPerSymbol(ns graph.Nodes, symbols []*objSymbol) map[*objSymbol]graph.Nodes {}

type assemblyInstruction

type callID

func (a *assemblyInstruction) flatValue() int64 {}

func (a *assemblyInstruction) cumValue() int64 {}

// annotateAssembly annotates a set of assembly instructions with a
// set of samples. It returns a set of nodes to display. base is an
// offset to adjust the sample addresses.
func annotateAssembly(insts []plugin.Inst, samples graph.Nodes, file plugin.ObjFile) []assemblyInstruction {}

// valueOrDot formats a value according to a report, intercepting zero
// values.
func valueOrDot(value int64, rpt *Report) string {}

// printTags collects all tags referenced in the profile and prints
// them in a sorted table.
func printTags(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// printComments prints all freeform comments in the profile.
func printComments(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

type TextItem

// TextItems returns a list of text items from the report and a list
// of labels that describe the report.
func TextItems(rpt *Report) ([]TextItem, []string) {}

// printText prints a flat text report for a profile.
func printText(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// printTraces prints all traces from a profile.
func printTraces(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// printCallgrind prints a graph for a profile on callgrind format.
func printCallgrind(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// getDisambiguatedNames returns a map from each node in the graph to
// the name to use in the callgrind output. Callgrind merges all
// functions with the same [file name, function name]. Add a [%d/n]
// suffix to disambiguate nodes with different values of
// node.Function, which we want to keep separate. In particular, this
// affects graphs created with --call_tree, where nodes from different
// contexts are associated to different Functions.
func getDisambiguatedNames(g *graph.Graph) map[*graph.Node]string {}

// callgrindName implements the callgrind naming compression scheme.
// For names not previously seen returns "(N) name", where N is a
// unique index. For names previously seen returns "(N)" where N is
// the index returned the first time.
func callgrindName(names map[string]int, name string) string {}

// callgrindAddress implements the callgrind subposition compression scheme if
// possible. If prevInfo != nil, it contains the previous address. The current
// address can be given relative to the previous address, with an explicit +/-
// to indicate it is relative, or * for the same address.
func callgrindAddress(prevInfo *graph.NodeInfo, curr uint64) string {}

// printTree prints a tree-based report in text form.
func printTree(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// GetDOT returns a graph suitable for dot processing along with some
// configuration information.
func GetDOT(rpt *Report) (*graph.Graph, *graph.DotConfig) {}

// printDOT prints an annotated callgraph in DOT format.
func printDOT(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {}

// ProfileLabels returns printable labels for a profile.
func ProfileLabels(rpt *Report) []string {}

func graphTotal(g *graph.Graph) int64 {}

// reportLabels returns printable labels for a report. Includes
// profileLabels.
func reportLabels(rpt *Report, shownTotal int64, nodeCount, origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges int, fullHeaders bool) []string {}

func legendActiveFilters(activeFilters []string) []string {}

func genLabel(d int, n, l, f string) string {}

// New builds a new report indexing the sample values interpreting the
// samples with the provided function.
func New(prof *profile.Profile, o *Options) *Report {}

// NewDefault builds a new report indexing the last sample value
// available.
func NewDefault(prof *profile.Profile, options Options) *Report {}

// computeTotal computes the sum of the absolute value of all sample values.
// If any samples have label indicating they belong to the diff base, then the
// total will only include samples with that label.
func computeTotal(prof *profile.Profile, value, meanDiv func(v []int64) int64) int64 {}

type Report

// Total returns the total number of samples in a report.
func (rpt *Report) Total() int64 {}

// OutputFormat returns the output format for the report.
func (rpt *Report) OutputFormat() int {}

func abs64(i int64) int64 {}