
type Symbolizer

var symbolzSymbolize

var localSymbolize

var demangleFunction

// Symbolize attempts to symbolize profile p. First uses binutils on
// local binaries; if the source is a URL it attempts to get any
// missed entries using symbolz.
func (s *Symbolizer) Symbolize(mode string, sources plugin.MappingSources, p *profile.Profile) error {}

// postURL issues a POST to a URL over HTTP.
func postURL(source, post string, tr http.RoundTripper) ([]byte, error) {}

func statusCodeError(resp *http.Response) error {}

// doLocalSymbolize adds symbol and line number information to all locations
// in a profile. mode enables some options to control
// symbolization.
func doLocalSymbolize(prof *profile.Profile, fast, force bool, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) error {}

func symbolizeOneMapping(m *profile.Mapping, locs []*profile.Location, obj plugin.ObjFile, addFunction func(*profile.Function) *profile.Function) {}

// Demangle updates the function names in a profile with demangled C++
// names, simplified according to demanglerMode. If force is set,
// overwrite any names that appear already demangled.
func Demangle(prof *profile.Profile, force bool, demanglerMode string) {}

func demanglerModeToOptions(demanglerMode string) []demangle.Option {}

func demangleSingleFunction(fn *profile.Function, options []demangle.Option) {}

// looksLikeDemangledCPlusPlus is a heuristic to decide if a name is
// the result of demangling C++. If so, further heuristics will be
// applied to simplify the name.
func looksLikeDemangledCPlusPlus(demangled string) bool {}

// removeMatching removes nested instances of start..end from name.
func removeMatching(name string, start, end byte) string {}