
var symbolzRE

// Symbolize symbolizes profile p by parsing data returned by a symbolz
// handler. syms receives the symbolz query (hex addresses separated by '+')
// and returns the symbolz output in a string. If force is false, it will only
// symbolize locations from mappings not already marked as HasFunctions. Never
// attempts symbolization of addresses from unsymbolizable system
// mappings as those may look negative - e.g. "[vsyscall]".
func Symbolize(p *profile.Profile, force bool, sources plugin.MappingSources, syms func(string, string) ([]byte, error), ui plugin.UI) error {}

// hasGperftoolsSuffix checks whether path ends with one of the suffixes listed in
// pprof_remote_servers.html from the gperftools distribution
func hasGperftoolsSuffix(path string) bool {}

// symbolz returns the corresponding symbolz source for a profile URL.
func symbolz(source string) string {}

// symbolizeMapping symbolizes locations belonging to a Mapping by querying
// a symbolz handler. An offset is applied to all addresses to take care of
// normalization occurred for merged Mappings.
func symbolizeMapping(source string, offset int64, syms func(string, string) ([]byte, error), m *profile.Mapping, p *profile.Profile) error {}

// adjust shifts the specified address by the signed offset. It returns the
// adjusted address. It signals that the address cannot be adjusted without an
// overflow by returning true in the second return value.
func adjust(addr uint64, offset int64) (uint64, bool) {}