
type transport

const extraUsage

// New returns a round tripper for making requests with the
// specified cert, key, and ca. The flags tls_cert, tls_key, and tls_ca are
// added to the flagset to allow a user to specify the cert, key, and ca. If
// the flagset is nil, no flags will be added, and users will not be able to
// use these flags.
func New(flagset plugin.FlagSet) http.RoundTripper {}

// initialize uses the cert, key, and ca to initialize the certs
// to use these when making requests.
func (tr *transport) initialize() error {}

// RoundTrip executes a single HTTP transaction, returning
// a Response for the provided Request.
func (tr *transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {}