
// Compact performs garbage collection on a profile to remove any
// unreferenced fields. This is useful to reduce the size of a profile
// after samples or locations have been removed.
func (p *Profile) Compact() *Profile {}

// Merge merges all the profiles in profs into a single Profile.
// Returns a new profile independent of the input profiles. The merged
// profile is compacted to eliminate unused samples, locations,
// functions and mappings. Profiles must have identical profile sample
// and period types or the merge will fail. profile.Period of the
// resulting profile will be the maximum of all profiles, and
// profile.TimeNanos will be the earliest nonzero one. Merges are
// associative with the caveat of the first profile having some
// specialization in how headers are combined. There may be other
// subtleties now or in the future regarding associativity.
func Merge(srcs []*Profile) (*Profile, error) {}

// Normalize normalizes the source profile by multiplying each value in profile by the
// ratio of the sum of the base profile's values of that sample type to the sum of the
// source profile's value of that sample type.
func (p *Profile) Normalize(pb *Profile) error {}

func isZeroSample(s *Sample) bool {}

type profileMerger

type mapInfo

func (pm *profileMerger) mapSample(src *Sample) *Sample {}

func (pm *profileMerger) sampleKey(sample *Sample) sampleKey {}

type sampleKey

// sortedKeys1 returns the sorted keys found in a string->[]string map.
// Note: this is currently non-generic since github pprof runs golint,
// which does not support generics. When that issue is fixed, it can
// be merged with sortedKeys2 and made into a generic function.
func sortedKeys1(m map[string][]string) []string {}

// sortedKeys2 returns the sorted keys found in a string->[]int64 map.
// Note: this is currently non-generic since github pprof runs golint,
// which does not support generics. When that issue is fixed, it can
// be merged with sortedKeys1 and made into a generic function.
func sortedKeys2(m map[string][]int64) []string {}

func (pm *profileMerger) mapLocation(src *Location) *Location {}

// key generates locationKey to be used as a key for maps.
func (l *Location) key() locationKey {}

type locationKey

func (pm *profileMerger) mapMapping(src *Mapping) mapInfo {}

// key generates encoded strings of Mapping to be used as a key for
// maps.
func (m *Mapping) key() mappingKey {}

type mappingKey

func (pm *profileMerger) mapLine(src Line) Line {}

func (pm *profileMerger) mapFunction(src *Function) *Function {}

// key generates a struct to be used as a key for maps.
func (f *Function) key() functionKey {}

type functionKey

// combineHeaders checks that all profiles can be merged and returns
// their combined profile.
func combineHeaders(srcs []*Profile) (*Profile, error) {}

// compatible determines if two profiles can be compared/merged.
// returns nil if the profiles are compatible; otherwise an error with
// details on the incompatibility.
func (p *Profile) compatible(pb *Profile) error {}

// equalValueType returns true if the two value types are semantically
// equal. It ignores the internal fields used during encode/decode.
func equalValueType(st1, st2 *ValueType) bool {}

type locationIDMap

func makeLocationIDMap(n int) locationIDMap {}

func (lm locationIDMap) get(id uint64) *Location {}

func (lm locationIDMap) set(id uint64, loc *Location) {}

// CompatibilizeSampleTypes makes profiles compatible to be compared/merged. It
// keeps sample types that appear in all profiles only and drops/reorders the
// sample types as necessary.
// In the case of sample types order is not the same for given profiles the
// order is derived from the first profile.
// Profiles are modified in-place.
// It returns an error if the sample type's intersection is empty.
func CompatibilizeSampleTypes(ps []*Profile) error {}

// commonSampleTypes returns sample types that appear in all profiles in the
// order how they ordered in the first profile.
func commonSampleTypes(ps []*Profile) []string {}

// compatibilizeSampleTypes drops sample types that are not present in sTypes
// list and reorder them if needed.
// It sets DefaultSampleType to sType[0] if it is not in sType list.
// It assumes that all sample types from the sTypes list are present in the
// given profile otherwise it returns an error.
func compatibilizeSampleTypes(p *Profile, sTypes []string) error {}

func searchValueType(vts []*ValueType, s string) int {}