
type Profile

type ValueType

type Sample

type label

type Mapping

type Location

type Line

type Function

// Parse parses a profile and checks for its validity. The input
// may be a gzip-compressed encoded protobuf or one of many legacy
// profile formats which may be unsupported in the future.
func Parse(r io.Reader) (*Profile, error) {}

// ParseData parses a profile from a buffer and checks for its
// validity.
func ParseData(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {}

var errUnrecognized

var errMalformed

var errNoData

var errConcatProfile

func parseLegacy(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {}

// ParseUncompressed parses an uncompressed protobuf into a profile.
func ParseUncompressed(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {}

var libRx

// massageMappings applies heuristic-based changes to the profile
// mappings to account for quirks of some environments.
func (p *Profile) massageMappings() {}

// adjacent returns whether two mapping entries represent the same
// mapping that has been split into two. Check that their addresses are adjacent,
// and if the offsets match, if they are available.
func adjacent(m1, m2 *Mapping) bool {}

func (p *Profile) updateLocationMapping(from, to *Mapping) {}

func serialize(p *Profile) []byte {}

// Write writes the profile as a gzip-compressed marshaled protobuf.
func (p *Profile) Write(w io.Writer) error {}

// WriteUncompressed writes the profile as a marshaled protobuf.
func (p *Profile) WriteUncompressed(w io.Writer) error {}

// CheckValid tests whether the profile is valid. Checks include, but are
// not limited to:
//   - len(Profile.Sample[n].value) == len(Profile.value_unit)
//   - Sample.id has a corresponding Profile.Location
func (p *Profile) CheckValid() error {}

// Aggregate merges the locations in the profile into equivalence
// classes preserving the request attributes. It also updates the
// samples to point to the merged locations.
func (p *Profile) Aggregate(inlineFrame, function, filename, linenumber, columnnumber, address bool) error {}

// NumLabelUnits returns a map of numeric label keys to the units
// associated with those keys and a map of those keys to any units
// that were encountered but not used.
// Unit for a given key is the first encountered unit for that key. If multiple
// units are encountered for values paired with a particular key, then the first
// unit encountered is used and all other units are returned in sorted order
// in map of ignored units.
// If no units are encountered for a particular key, the unit is then inferred
// based on the key.
func (p *Profile) NumLabelUnits() (map[string]string, map[string][]string) {}

// String dumps a text representation of a profile. Intended mainly
// for debugging purposes.
func (p *Profile) String() string {}

// string dumps a text representation of a mapping. Intended mainly
// for debugging purposes.
func (m *Mapping) string() string {}

// string dumps a text representation of a location. Intended mainly
// for debugging purposes.
func (l *Location) string() string {}

// string dumps a text representation of a sample. Intended mainly
// for debugging purposes.
func (s *Sample) string() string {}

// labelsToString returns a string representation of a
// map representing labels.
func labelsToString(labels map[string][]string) string {}

// numLabelsToString returns a string representation of a map
// representing numeric labels.
func numLabelsToString(numLabels map[string][]int64, numUnits map[string][]string) string {}

// SetLabel sets the specified key to the specified value for all samples in the
// profile.
func (p *Profile) SetLabel(key string, value []string) {}

// RemoveLabel removes all labels associated with the specified key for all
// samples in the profile.
func (p *Profile) RemoveLabel(key string) {}

// HasLabel returns true if a sample has a label with indicated key and value.
func (s *Sample) HasLabel(key, value string) bool {}

// SetNumLabel sets the specified key to the specified value for all samples in the
// profile. "unit" is a slice that describes the units that each corresponding member
// of "values" is measured in (e.g. bytes or seconds).  If there is no relevant
// unit for a given value, that member of "unit" should be the empty string.
// "unit" must either have the same length as "value", or be nil.
func (p *Profile) SetNumLabel(key string, value []int64, unit []string) {}

// RemoveNumLabel removes all numerical labels associated with the specified key for all
// samples in the profile.
func (p *Profile) RemoveNumLabel(key string) {}

// DiffBaseSample returns true if a sample belongs to the diff base and false
// otherwise.
func (s *Sample) DiffBaseSample() bool {}

// Scale multiplies all sample values in a profile by a constant and keeps
// only samples that have at least one non-zero value.
func (p *Profile) Scale(ratio float64) {}

// ScaleN multiplies each sample values in a sample by a different amount
// and keeps only samples that have at least one non-zero value.
func (p *Profile) ScaleN(ratios []float64) error {}

// HasFunctions determines if all locations in this profile have
// symbolized function information.
func (p *Profile) HasFunctions() bool {}

// HasFileLines determines if all locations in this profile have
// symbolized file and line number information.
func (p *Profile) HasFileLines() bool {}

// Unsymbolizable returns true if a mapping points to a binary for which
// locations can't be symbolized in principle, at least now. Examples are
// "[vdso]", [vsyscall]" and some others, see the code.
func (m *Mapping) Unsymbolizable() bool {}

// Copy makes a fully independent copy of a profile.
func (p *Profile) Copy() *Profile {}