
type AST

// ASTToString returns the demangled name of the AST.
func ASTToString(a AST, options ...Option) string {}

type printState

// writeByte adds a byte to the string being printed.
func (ps *printState) writeByte(b byte) {}

// writeString adds a string to the string being printed.
func (ps *printState) writeString(s string) {}

// Print an AST.
func (ps *printState) print(a AST) {}

// printList prints a list of AST values separated by commas,
// optionally skipping some.
func (ps *printState) printList(args []AST, skip func(AST) bool) {}

// startScope starts a scope. This is used to decide whether we need
// to parenthesize an expression using > or >>.
func (ps *printState) startScope(b byte) {}

// endScope closes a scope.
func (ps *printState) endScope(b byte) {}

type precedence

const precPrimary

const precPostfix

const precUnary

const precCast

const precPtrMem

const precMul

const precAdd

const precShift

const precSpaceship

const precRel

const precEqual

const precAnd

const precXor

const precOr

const precLogicalAnd

const precLogicalOr

const precCond

const precAssign

const precComma

const precDefault

type hasPrec

type Name

func (n *Name) print(ps *printState) {}

func (n *Name) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (n *Name) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (n *Name) GoString() string {}

func (n *Name) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (n *Name) prec() precedence {}

type Typed

func (t *Typed) print(ps *printState) {}

func (t *Typed) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (t *Typed) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (t *Typed) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (t *Typed) GoString() string {}

func (t *Typed) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Qualified

func (q *Qualified) print(ps *printState) {}

func (q *Qualified) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (q *Qualified) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (q *Qualified) GoString() string {}

func (q *Qualified) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (q *Qualified) prec() precedence {}

type Template

func (t *Template) print(ps *printState) {}

func (t *Template) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (t *Template) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (t *Template) GoString() string {}

func (t *Template) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TemplateParam

func (tp *TemplateParam) print(ps *printState) {}

func (tp *TemplateParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (tp *TemplateParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (tp *TemplateParam) GoString() string {}

func (tp *TemplateParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type LambdaAuto

func (la *LambdaAuto) print(ps *printState) {}

func (la *LambdaAuto) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (la *LambdaAuto) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (la *LambdaAuto) GoString() string {}

func (la *LambdaAuto) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TemplateParamQualifiedArg

func (tpqa *TemplateParamQualifiedArg) print(ps *printState) {}

func (tpqa *TemplateParamQualifiedArg) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (tpqa *TemplateParamQualifiedArg) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (tpqa *TemplateParamQualifiedArg) GoString() string {}

func (tpqa *TemplateParamQualifiedArg) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Qualifiers

func (qs *Qualifiers) print(ps *printState) {}

func (qs *Qualifiers) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (qs *Qualifiers) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (qs *Qualifiers) GoString() string {}

func (qs *Qualifiers) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Qualifier

func (q *Qualifier) print(ps *printState) {}

func (q *Qualifier) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (q *Qualifier) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (q *Qualifier) GoString() string {}

func (q *Qualifier) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TypeWithQualifiers

func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) print(ps *printState) {}

// Print qualifiers as an inner type by just printing the qualifiers.
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) GoString() string {}

func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type MethodWithQualifiers

func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) print(ps *printState) {}

func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) GoString() string {}

func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type BuiltinType

func (bt *BuiltinType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (bt *BuiltinType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (bt *BuiltinType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (bt *BuiltinType) GoString() string {}

func (bt *BuiltinType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (bt *BuiltinType) prec() precedence {}

// printBase is common print code for types that are printed with a
// simple suffix.
func printBase(ps *printState, qual, base AST) {}

type PointerType

func (pt *PointerType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (pt *PointerType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (pt *PointerType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (pt *PointerType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (pt *PointerType) GoString() string {}

func (pt *PointerType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ReferenceType

func (rt *ReferenceType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (rt *ReferenceType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (rt *ReferenceType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (rt *ReferenceType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (rt *ReferenceType) GoString() string {}

func (rt *ReferenceType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type RvalueReferenceType

func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) GoString() string {}

func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ComplexType

func (ct *ComplexType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ct *ComplexType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (ct *ComplexType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ct *ComplexType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ct *ComplexType) GoString() string {}

func (ct *ComplexType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ImaginaryType

func (it *ImaginaryType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (it *ImaginaryType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (it *ImaginaryType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (it *ImaginaryType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (it *ImaginaryType) GoString() string {}

func (it *ImaginaryType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type SuffixType

func (st *SuffixType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (st *SuffixType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (st *SuffixType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (st *SuffixType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (st *SuffixType) GoString() string {}

func (st *SuffixType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TransformedType

func (tt *TransformedType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (tt *TransformedType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (tt *TransformedType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (tt *TransformedType) GoString() string {}

func (tt *TransformedType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type VendorQualifier

func (vq *VendorQualifier) print(ps *printState) {}

func (vq *VendorQualifier) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (vq *VendorQualifier) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (vq *VendorQualifier) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (vq *VendorQualifier) GoString() string {}

func (vq *VendorQualifier) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ArrayType

func (at *ArrayType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (at *ArrayType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

// Print the array dimension.
func (at *ArrayType) printDimension(ps *printState) {}

func (at *ArrayType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (at *ArrayType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (at *ArrayType) GoString() string {}

func (at *ArrayType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type FunctionType

func (ft *FunctionType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ft *FunctionType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

// printArgs prints the arguments of a function type.  It looks at the
// inner types for spacing.
func (ft *FunctionType) printArgs(ps *printState) {}

func (ft *FunctionType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ft *FunctionType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ft *FunctionType) GoString() string {}

func (ft *FunctionType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type FunctionParam

func (fp *FunctionParam) print(ps *printState) {}

func (fp *FunctionParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (fp *FunctionParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (fp *FunctionParam) GoString() string {}

func (fp *FunctionParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (fp *FunctionParam) prec() precedence {}

type PtrMem

func (pm *PtrMem) print(ps *printState) {}

func (pm *PtrMem) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (pm *PtrMem) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (pm *PtrMem) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (pm *PtrMem) GoString() string {}

func (pm *PtrMem) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type FixedType

func (ft *FixedType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ft *FixedType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ft *FixedType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ft *FixedType) GoString() string {}

func (ft *FixedType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type BinaryFP

func (bfp *BinaryFP) print(ps *printState) {}

func (bfp *BinaryFP) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (bfp *BinaryFP) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (bfp *BinaryFP) GoString() string {}

func (bfp *BinaryFP) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type BitIntType

func (bt *BitIntType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (bt *BitIntType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (bt *BitIntType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (bt *BitIntType) GoString() string {}

func (bt *BitIntType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type VectorType

func (vt *VectorType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (vt *VectorType) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (vt *VectorType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (vt *VectorType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (vt *VectorType) GoString() string {}

func (vt *VectorType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ElaboratedType

func (et *ElaboratedType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (et *ElaboratedType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (et *ElaboratedType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (et *ElaboratedType) GoString() string {}

func (et *ElaboratedType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Decltype

func (dt *Decltype) print(ps *printState) {}

func (dt *Decltype) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (dt *Decltype) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (dt *Decltype) GoString() string {}

func (dt *Decltype) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Operator

func (op *Operator) print(ps *printState) {}

func (op *Operator) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (op *Operator) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (op *Operator) GoString() string {}

func (op *Operator) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (op *Operator) prec() precedence {}

type Constructor

func (c *Constructor) print(ps *printState) {}

func (c *Constructor) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (c *Constructor) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (c *Constructor) GoString() string {}

func (c *Constructor) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Destructor

func (d *Destructor) print(ps *printState) {}

func (d *Destructor) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (d *Destructor) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (d *Destructor) GoString() string {}

func (d *Destructor) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type GlobalCDtor

func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) print(ps *printState) {}

func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) GoString() string {}

func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TaggedName

func (t *TaggedName) print(ps *printState) {}

func (t *TaggedName) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (t *TaggedName) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (t *TaggedName) GoString() string {}

func (t *TaggedName) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type PackExpansion

func (pe *PackExpansion) print(ps *printState) {}

func (pe *PackExpansion) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (pe *PackExpansion) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (pe *PackExpansion) GoString() string {}

func (pe *PackExpansion) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ArgumentPack

func (ap *ArgumentPack) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ap *ArgumentPack) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ap *ArgumentPack) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ap *ArgumentPack) GoString() string {}

func (ap *ArgumentPack) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type SizeofPack

func (sp *SizeofPack) print(ps *printState) {}

func (sp *SizeofPack) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (sp *SizeofPack) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (sp *SizeofPack) GoString() string {}

func (sp *SizeofPack) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type SizeofArgs

func (sa *SizeofArgs) print(ps *printState) {}

func (sa *SizeofArgs) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (sa *SizeofArgs) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (sa *SizeofArgs) GoString() string {}

func (sa *SizeofArgs) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TemplateParamName

func (tpn *TemplateParamName) print(ps *printState) {}

func (tpn *TemplateParamName) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (tpn *TemplateParamName) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (tpn *TemplateParamName) GoString() string {}

func (tpn *TemplateParamName) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TypeTemplateParam

func (ttp *TypeTemplateParam) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ttp *TypeTemplateParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ttp *TypeTemplateParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ttp *TypeTemplateParam) GoString() string {}

func (ttp *TypeTemplateParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type NonTypeTemplateParam

func (nttp *NonTypeTemplateParam) print(ps *printState) {}

func (nttp *NonTypeTemplateParam) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (nttp *NonTypeTemplateParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (nttp *NonTypeTemplateParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (nttp *NonTypeTemplateParam) GoString() string {}

func (nttp *NonTypeTemplateParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TemplateTemplateParam

func (ttp *TemplateTemplateParam) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ttp *TemplateTemplateParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ttp *TemplateTemplateParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ttp *TemplateTemplateParam) GoString() string {}

func (ttp *TemplateTemplateParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam

func (cttp *ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam) print(ps *printState) {}

func (cttp *ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (cttp *ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (cttp *ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (cttp *ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam) GoString() string {}

func (cttp *ConstrainedTypeTemplateParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TemplateParamPack

func (tpp *TemplateParamPack) print(ps *printState) {}

func (tpp *TemplateParamPack) printInner(ps *printState) {}

func (tpp *TemplateParamPack) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (tpp *TemplateParamPack) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (tpp *TemplateParamPack) GoString() string {}

func (tpp *TemplateParamPack) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Cast

func (c *Cast) print(ps *printState) {}

func (c *Cast) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (c *Cast) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (c *Cast) GoString() string {}

func (c *Cast) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (c *Cast) prec() precedence {}

// The parenthesize function prints the string for val, wrapped in
// parentheses if necessary.
func parenthesize(ps *printState, val AST) {}

type Nullary

func (n *Nullary) print(ps *printState) {}

func (n *Nullary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (n *Nullary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (n *Nullary) GoString() string {}

func (n *Nullary) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Unary

func (u *Unary) print(ps *printState) {}

func (u *Unary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (u *Unary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (u *Unary) GoString() string {}

func (u *Unary) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (u *Unary) prec() precedence {}

// isDesignatedInitializer reports whether x is a designated
// initializer.
func isDesignatedInitializer(x AST) bool {}

type Binary

func (b *Binary) print(ps *printState) {}

func (b *Binary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (b *Binary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (b *Binary) GoString() string {}

func (b *Binary) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (b *Binary) prec() precedence {}

type Trinary

func (t *Trinary) print(ps *printState) {}

func (t *Trinary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (t *Trinary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (t *Trinary) GoString() string {}

func (t *Trinary) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Fold

func (f *Fold) print(ps *printState) {}

func (f *Fold) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (f *Fold) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (f *Fold) GoString() string {}

func (f *Fold) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Subobject

func (so *Subobject) print(ps *printState) {}

func (so *Subobject) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (so *Subobject) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (so *Subobject) GoString() string {}

func (so *Subobject) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type PtrMemCast

func (pmc *PtrMemCast) print(ps *printState) {}

func (pmc *PtrMemCast) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (pmc *PtrMemCast) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (pmc *PtrMemCast) GoString() string {}

func (pmc *PtrMemCast) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type New

func (n *New) print(ps *printState) {}

func (n *New) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (n *New) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (n *New) GoString() string {}

func (n *New) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Literal

var builtinTypeSuffix

var builtinTypeFloat

func (l *Literal) print(ps *printState) {}

func (l *Literal) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (l *Literal) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (l *Literal) GoString() string {}

func (l *Literal) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (l *Literal) prec() precedence {}

type StringLiteral

func (sl *StringLiteral) print(ps *printState) {}

func (sl *StringLiteral) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (sl *StringLiteral) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (sl *StringLiteral) GoString() string {}

func (sl *StringLiteral) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type LambdaExpr

func (le *LambdaExpr) print(ps *printState) {}

func (le *LambdaExpr) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (le *LambdaExpr) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (le *LambdaExpr) GoString() string {}

func (le *LambdaExpr) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ExprList

func (el *ExprList) print(ps *printState) {}

func (el *ExprList) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (el *ExprList) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (el *ExprList) GoString() string {}

func (el *ExprList) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

func (el *ExprList) prec() precedence {}

type InitializerList

func (il *InitializerList) print(ps *printState) {}

func (il *InitializerList) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (il *InitializerList) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (il *InitializerList) GoString() string {}

func (il *InitializerList) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type DefaultArg

func (da *DefaultArg) print(ps *printState) {}

func (da *DefaultArg) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (da *DefaultArg) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (da *DefaultArg) GoString() string {}

func (da *DefaultArg) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Closure

func (cl *Closure) print(ps *printState) {}

func (cl *Closure) printTypes(ps *printState) {}

func (cl *Closure) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (cl *Closure) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (cl *Closure) GoString() string {}

func (cl *Closure) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type StructuredBindings

func (sb *StructuredBindings) print(ps *printState) {}

func (sb *StructuredBindings) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (sb *StructuredBindings) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (sb *StructuredBindings) GoString() string {}

func (sb *StructuredBindings) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type UnnamedType

func (ut *UnnamedType) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ut *UnnamedType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ut *UnnamedType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ut *UnnamedType) GoString() string {}

func (ut *UnnamedType) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Clone

func (c *Clone) print(ps *printState) {}

func (c *Clone) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (c *Clone) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (c *Clone) GoString() string {}

func (c *Clone) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Special

func (s *Special) print(ps *printState) {}

func (s *Special) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (s *Special) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (s *Special) GoString() string {}

func (s *Special) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Special2

func (s *Special2) print(ps *printState) {}

func (s *Special2) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (s *Special2) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (s *Special2) GoString() string {}

func (s *Special2) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type EnableIf

func (ei *EnableIf) print(ps *printState) {}

func (ei *EnableIf) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (ei *EnableIf) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (ei *EnableIf) GoString() string {}

func (ei *EnableIf) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ModuleName

func (mn *ModuleName) print(ps *printState) {}

func (mn *ModuleName) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (mn *ModuleName) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (mn *ModuleName) GoString() string {}

func (mn *ModuleName) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ModuleEntity

func (me *ModuleEntity) print(ps *printState) {}

func (me *ModuleEntity) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (me *ModuleEntity) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (me *ModuleEntity) GoString() string {}

func (me *ModuleEntity) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Friend

func (f *Friend) print(ps *printState) {}

func (f *Friend) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (f *Friend) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (f *Friend) GoString() string {}

func (f *Friend) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type Constraint

func (c *Constraint) print(ps *printState) {}

func (c *Constraint) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (c *Constraint) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (c *Constraint) GoString() string {}

func (c *Constraint) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type RequiresExpr

func (re *RequiresExpr) print(ps *printState) {}

func (re *RequiresExpr) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (re *RequiresExpr) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (re *RequiresExpr) GoString() string {}

func (re *RequiresExpr) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ExprRequirement

func (er *ExprRequirement) print(ps *printState) {}

func (er *ExprRequirement) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (er *ExprRequirement) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (er *ExprRequirement) GoString() string {}

func (er *ExprRequirement) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type TypeRequirement

func (tr *TypeRequirement) print(ps *printState) {}

func (tr *TypeRequirement) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (tr *TypeRequirement) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (tr *TypeRequirement) GoString() string {}

func (tr *TypeRequirement) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type NestedRequirement

func (nr *NestedRequirement) print(ps *printState) {}

func (nr *NestedRequirement) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (nr *NestedRequirement) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (nr *NestedRequirement) GoString() string {}

func (nr *NestedRequirement) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

type ExplicitObjectParameter

func (eop *ExplicitObjectParameter) print(ps *printState) {}

func (eop *ExplicitObjectParameter) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {}

func (eop *ExplicitObjectParameter) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {}

func (eop *ExplicitObjectParameter) GoString() string {}

func (eop *ExplicitObjectParameter) goString(indent int, field string) string {}

// Print the inner types.
func (ps *printState) printInner(prefixOnly bool) []AST {}

type innerPrinter

// Print the most recent inner type.  If save is not nil, only print
// prefixes.
func (ps *printState) printOneInner(save *[]AST) {}

// isEmpty returns whether printing a will not print anything.
func (ps *printState) isEmpty(a AST) bool {}