
var ErrNotMangledName

type Option

const NoParams

const NoTemplateParams

const NoEnclosingParams

const NoClones

const NoRust

const Verbose

const LLVMStyle

const maxLengthShift

const maxLengthMask

// MaxLength returns an Option that limits the maximum length of a
// demangled string. The maximum length is expressed as a power of 2,
// so a value of 1 limits the returned string to 2 characters, and
// a value of 16 limits the returned string to 65,536 characters.
// The value must be between 1 and 30.
func MaxLength(pow int) Option {}

// isMaxLength reports whether an Option holds a maximum length.
func isMaxLength(opt Option) bool {}

// maxLength returns the maximum length stored in an Option.
func maxLength(opt Option) int {}

// Filter demangles a C++ or Rust symbol name,
// returning the human-readable C++ or Rust name.
// If any error occurs during demangling, the input string is returned.
func Filter(name string, options ...Option) string {}

// ToString demangles a C++ or Rust symbol name,
// returning a human-readable C++ or Rust name or an error.
// If the name does not appear to be a C++ or Rust symbol name at all,
// the error will be ErrNotMangledName.
func ToString(name string, options ...Option) (string, error) {}

// ToAST demangles a C++ symbol name into an abstract syntax tree
// representing the symbol.
// If the NoParams option is passed, and the name has a function type,
// the parameter types are not demangled.
// If the name does not appear to be a C++ symbol name at all, the
// error will be ErrNotMangledName.
// This function does not currently support Rust symbol names.
func ToAST(name string, options ...Option) (AST, error) {}

// globalCDtorName demangles a global constructor/destructor symbol name.
// The parameter is the string following the "_GLOBAL_" prefix.
func globalCDtorName(name string, options ...Option) (AST, error) {}

// The doDemangle function is the entry point into the demangler proper.
func doDemangle(name string, options ...Option) (ret AST, err error) {}

type state

// copy returns a copy of the current state.
func (st *state) copy() *state {}

// fail panics with demangleErr, to be caught in doDemangle.
func (st *state) fail(err string) {}

// failEarlier is like fail, but decrements the offset to indicate
// that the point of failure occurred earlier in the string.
func (st *state) failEarlier(err string, dec int) {}

// advance advances the current string offset.
func (st *state) advance(add int) {}

// checkChar requires that the next character in the string be c, and
// advances past it.
func (st *state) checkChar(c byte) {}

type demangleErr

// Error implements the builtin error interface for demangleErr.
func (de demangleErr) Error() string {}

// adjustErr adjusts the position of err, if it is a demangleErr,
// and returns err.
func adjustErr(err error, adj int) error {}

type forLocalNameType

const forLocalName

const notForLocalName

// encoding parses:
//	encoding ::= <(function) name> <bare-function-type>
//	             <(data) name>
//	             <special-name>
func (st *state) encoding(params bool, local forLocalNameType) AST {}

// hasReturnType returns whether the mangled form of a will have a
// return type.
func hasReturnType(a AST) bool {}

// isCDtorConversion returns when an AST is a constructor, a
// destructor, or a conversion operator.
func isCDtorConversion(a AST) bool {}

// taggedName parses:
//	<tagged-name> ::= <name> B <source-name>
func (st *state) taggedName(a AST) AST {}

// name parses:
//	<name> ::= <nested-name>
//	       ::= <unscoped-name>
//	       ::= <unscoped-template-name> <template-args>
//	       ::= <local-name>
//	<unscoped-name> ::= <unqualified-name>
//	                ::= St <unqualified-name>
//	<unscoped-template-name> ::= <unscoped-name>
//	                         ::= <substitution>
// Besides the name, this returns whether it saw the code indicating
// a C++23 explicit object parameter.
func (st *state) name() (AST, bool) {}

// nestedName parses:
//	<nested-name> ::= N [<CV-qualifiers>] [<ref-qualifier>] <prefix> <unqualified-name> E
//	              ::= N [<CV-qualifiers>] [<ref-qualifier>] <template-prefix> <template-args> E
// Besides the name, this returns whether it saw the code indicating
// a C++23 explicit object parameter.
func (st *state) nestedName() (AST, bool) {}

// prefix parses:
//	<prefix> ::= <prefix> <unqualified-name>
//	         ::= <template-prefix> <template-args>
//	         ::= <template-param>
//	         ::= <decltype>
//	         ::=
//	         ::= <substitution>
//	<template-prefix> ::= <prefix> <(template) unqualified-name>
//	                  ::= <template-param>
//	                  ::= <substitution>
//	<decltype> ::= Dt <expression> E
//	           ::= DT <expression> E
func (st *state) prefix() AST {}

// unqualifiedName parses:
//	<unqualified-name> ::= <operator-name>
//	                   ::= <ctor-dtor-name>
//	                   ::= <source-name>
//	                   ::= <local-source-name>
//	 <local-source-name>	::= L <source-name> <discriminator>
func (st *state) unqualifiedName(module AST) (r AST, isCast bool) {}

// sourceName parses:
//	<source-name> ::= <(positive length) number> <identifier>
//	identifier ::= <(unqualified source code identifier)>
func (st *state) sourceName() AST {}

// moduleName parses:
//	<module-name> ::= <module-subname>
//	 	      ::= <module-name> <module-subname>
//		      ::= <substitution>  # passed in by caller
//	<module-subname> ::= W <source-name>
//			 ::= W P <source-name>
// The module name is optional. If it is not present, this returns the parent.
func (st *state) moduleName(parent AST) AST {}

// number parses:
//	number ::= [n] <(non-negative decimal integer)>
func (st *state) number() int {}

// seqID parses:
//	<seq-id> ::= <0-9A-Z>+
// We expect this to be followed by an underscore.
func (st *state) seqID(eofOK bool) int {}

type operator

var operators

// operatorName parses:
//	operator_name ::= many different two character encodings.
//	              ::= cv <type>
//	              ::= v <digit> <source-name>
// We need to know whether we are in an expression because it affects
// how we handle template parameters in the type of a cast operator.
func (st *state) operatorName(inExpression bool) (AST, int) {}

// localName parses:
//	<local-name> ::= Z <(function) encoding> E <(entity) name> [<discriminator>]
//	             ::= Z <(function) encoding> E s [<discriminator>]
//	             ::= Z <(function) encoding> E d [<parameter> number>] _ <entity name>
// Besides the name, this returns whether it saw the code indicating
// a C++23 explicit object parameter.
func (st *state) localName() (AST, bool) {}

// Parse a Java resource special-name.
func (st *state) javaResource() AST {}

// specialName parses:
//	<special-name> ::= TV <type>
//	               ::= TT <type>
//	               ::= TI <type>
//	               ::= TS <type>
//	               ::= TA <template-arg>
//	               ::= GV <(object) name>
//	               ::= T <call-offset> <(base) encoding>
//	               ::= Tc <call-offset> <call-offset> <(base) encoding>
//	g++ extensions:
//	               ::= TC <type> <(offset) number> _ <(base) type>
//	               ::= TF <type>
//	               ::= TJ <type>
//	               ::= GR <name>
//	               ::= GA <encoding>
//	               ::= Gr <resource name>
//	               ::= GTt <encoding>
//	               ::= GTn <encoding>
//	               ::= GI <module name>
func (st *state) specialName() AST {}

// callOffset parses:
//	<call-offset> ::= h <nv-offset> _
//	              ::= v <v-offset> _
//	<nv-offset> ::= <(offset) number>
//	<v-offset> ::= <(offset) number> _ <(virtual offset) number>
// The c parameter, if not 0, is a character we just read which is the
// start of the <call-offset>.
// We don't display the offset information anywhere.
func (st *state) callOffset(c byte) {}

var builtinTypes

// demangleType parses:
//	<type> ::= <builtin-type>
//	       ::= <function-type>
//	       ::= <class-enum-type>
//	       ::= <array-type>
//	       ::= <pointer-to-member-type>
//	       ::= <template-param>
//	       ::= <template-template-param> <template-args>
//	       ::= <substitution>
//	       ::= <CV-qualifiers> <type>
//	       ::= P <type>
//	       ::= R <type>
//	       ::= O <type> (C++0x)
//	       ::= C <type>
//	       ::= G <type>
//	       ::= U <source-name> <type>
//	<builtin-type> ::= various one letter codes
//	               ::= u <source-name>
func (st *state) demangleType(isCast bool) AST {}

// demangleCastTemplateArgs is for a rather hideous parse.  When we
// see a template-param followed by a template-args, we need to decide
// whether we have a template-param or a template-template-param.
// Normally it is template-template-param, meaning that we pick up the
// template arguments here.  But, if we are parsing the type for a
// cast operator, then the only way this can be template-template-param
// is if there is another set of template-args immediately after this
// set.  That would look like this:
//	<nested-name>
//	-> <template-prefix> <template-args>
//	-> <prefix> <template-unqualified-name> <template-args>
//	-> <unqualified-name> <template-unqualified-name> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> <template-unqualified-name> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> <operator-name> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> cv <type> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> cv <template-template-param> <template-args> <template-args>
// Otherwise, we have this derivation:
//	<nested-name>
//	-> <template-prefix> <template-args>
//	-> <prefix> <template-unqualified-name> <template-args>
//	-> <unqualified-name> <template-unqualified-name> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> <template-unqualified-name> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> <operator-name> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> cv <type> <template-args>
//	-> <source-name> cv <template-param> <template-args>
// in which the template-args are actually part of the prefix.  For
// the special case where this arises, demangleType is called with
// isCast as true.  This function is then responsible for checking
// whether we see <template-param> <template-args> but there is not
// another following <template-args>.  In that case, we reset the
// parse and just return the <template-param>.
func (st *state) demangleCastTemplateArgs(tp AST, addSubst bool) AST {}

// mergeQualifiers merges two qualifier lists into one.
func mergeQualifiers(q1AST, q2AST AST) AST {}

var qualifiers

// cvQualifiers parses:
//	<CV-qualifiers> ::= [r] [V] [K]
func (st *state) cvQualifiers() AST {}

// refQualifier parses:
//	<ref-qualifier> ::= R
//	                ::= O
func (st *state) refQualifier() string {}

// parmlist parses:
//	<type>+
func (st *state) parmlist(explicitObjectParameter bool) []AST {}

// functionType parses:
//	<function-type> ::= F [Y] <bare-function-type> [<ref-qualifier>] E
func (st *state) functionType() AST {}

// bareFunctionType parses:
//	<bare-function-type> ::= [J]<type>+
func (st *state) bareFunctionType(hasReturnType, explicitObjectParameter bool) AST {}

// arrayType parses:
//	<array-type> ::= A <(positive dimension) number> _ <(element) type>
//	             ::= A [<(dimension) expression>] _ <(element) type>
func (st *state) arrayType(isCast bool) AST {}

// vectorType parses:
//	<vector-type> ::= Dv <number> _ <type>
//	              ::= Dv _ <expression> _ <type>
func (st *state) vectorType(isCast bool) AST {}

// pointerToMemberType parses:
//	<pointer-to-member-type> ::= M <(class) type> <(member) type>
func (st *state) pointerToMemberType(isCast bool) AST {}

// compactNumber parses:
//	<non-negative number> _
func (st *state) compactNumber() int {}

// templateParam parses:
//	<template-param> ::= T_
//	                 ::= T <(parameter-2 non-negative) number> _
//	                 ::= TL <level-1> __
//	                 ::= TL <level-1> _ <parameter-2 non-negative number> _
// When a template parameter is a substitution candidate, any
// reference to that substitution refers to the template parameter
// with the same index in the currently active template, not to
// whatever the template parameter would be expanded to here.  We sort
// this out in substitution and simplify.
func (st *state) templateParam() AST {}

// setTemplate sets the Template field of any TemplateParam's in a.
// This handles the forward referencing template parameters found in
// cast operators.
func (st *state) setTemplate(a AST, tmpl *Template) {}

// clearTemplateArgs gives an error for any unset Template field in
// args.  This handles erroneous cases where a cast operator with a
// forward referenced template is in the scope of another cast
// operator.
func (st *state) clearTemplateArgs(args []AST) {}

// templateArgs parses:
//	<template-args> ::= I <template-arg>+ E
func (st *state) templateArgs() []AST {}

// templateArg parses:
//	<template-arg> ::= <type>
//	               ::= X <expression> E
//	               ::= <expr-primary>
//	               ::= J <template-arg>* E
//	               ::= LZ <encoding> E
//	               ::= <template-param-decl> <template-arg>
func (st *state) templateArg(prev []AST) AST {}

// exprList parses a sequence of expressions up to a terminating character.
func (st *state) exprList(stop byte) AST {}

// expression parses:
//	<expression> ::= <(unary) operator-name> <expression>
//	             ::= <(binary) operator-name> <expression> <expression>
//	             ::= <(trinary) operator-name> <expression> <expression> <expression>
//	             ::= pp_ <expression>
//	             ::= mm_ <expression>
//	             ::= cl <expression>+ E
//	             ::= cl <expression>+ E
//	             ::= cv <type> <expression>
//	             ::= cv <type> _ <expression>* E
//	             ::= tl <type> <braced-expression>* E
//	             ::= il <braced-expression>* E
//	             ::= [gs] nw <expression>* _ <type> E
//	             ::= [gs] nw <expression>* _ <type> <initializer>
//	             ::= [gs] na <expression>* _ <type> E
//	             ::= [gs] na <expression>* _ <type> <initializer>
//	             ::= [gs] dl <expression>
//	             ::= [gs] da <expression>
//	             ::= dc <type> <expression>
//	             ::= sc <type> <expression>
//	             ::= cc <type> <expression>
//	             ::= mc <parameter type> <expr> [<offset number>] E
//	             ::= rc <type> <expression>
//	             ::= ti <type>
//	             ::= te <expression>
//	             ::= so <referent type> <expr> [<offset number>] <union-selector>* [p] E
//	             ::= st <type>
//	             ::= sz <expression>
//	             ::= at <type>
//	             ::= az <expression>
//	             ::= nx <expression>
//	             ::= <template-param>
//	             ::= <function-param>
//	             ::= dt <expression> <unresolved-name>
//	             ::= pt <expression> <unresolved-name>
//	             ::= ds <expression> <expression>
//	             ::= sZ <template-param>
//	             ::= sZ <function-param>
//	             ::= sP <template-arg>* E
//	             ::= sp <expression>
//	             ::= fl <binary operator-name> <expression>
//	             ::= fr <binary operator-name> <expression>
//	             ::= fL <binary operator-name> <expression> <expression>
//	             ::= fR <binary operator-name> <expression> <expression>
//	             ::= tw <expression>
//	             ::= tr
//	             ::= u <source-name> <template-arg>* E
//	             ::= <unresolved-name>
//	             ::= <expr-primary>
//	<function-param> ::= fp <CV-qualifiers> _
//	                 ::= fp <CV-qualifiers> <number>
//	                 ::= fL <number> p <CV-qualifiers> _
//	                 ::= fL <number> p <CV-qualifiers> <number>
//	                 ::= fpT
//	<braced-expression> ::= <expression>
//	                    ::= di <field source-name> <braced-expression>
//	                    ::= dx <index expression> <braced-expression>
//	                    ::= dX <range begin expression> <range end expression> <braced-expression>
func (st *state) expression() AST {}

// subobject parses:
//	<expression> ::= so <referent type> <expr> [<offset number>] <union-selector>* [p] E
//	<union-selector> ::= _ [<number>]
func (st *state) subobject() AST {}

// unresolvedName parses:
//	<unresolved-name> ::= [gs] <base-unresolved-name>
//	                  ::= sr <unresolved-type> <base-unresolved-name>
//	                  ::= srN <unresolved-type> <unresolved-qualifier-level>+ E <base-unresolved-name>
//	                  ::= [gs] sr <unresolved-qualifier-level>+ E <base-unresolved-name>
func (st *state) unresolvedName() AST {}

// baseUnresolvedName parses:
//	<base-unresolved-name> ::= <simple-id>
//	                       ::= on <operator-name>
//	                       ::= on <operator-name> <template-args>
//	                       ::= dn <destructor-name>
//	<simple-id> ::= <source-name> [ <template-args> ]
func (st *state) baseUnresolvedName() AST {}

// requiresExpr parses:
//	<expression> ::= rQ <bare-function-type> _ <requirement>+ E
//	             ::= rq <requirement>+ E
//	<requirement> ::= X <expression> [N] [R <type-constraint>]
//	              ::= T <type>
//	              ::= Q <constraint-expression>
func (st *state) requiresExpr() AST {}

// exprPrimary parses:
//	<expr-primary> ::= L <type> <(value) number> E
//	               ::= L <type> <(value) float> E
//	               ::= L <mangled-name> E
func (st *state) exprPrimary() AST {}

// discriminator parses:
//	<discriminator> ::= _ <(non-negative) number> (when number < 10)
//	                    __ <(non-negative) number> _ (when number >= 10)
func (st *state) discriminator(a AST) AST {}

// closureTypeName parses:
//	<closure-type-name> ::= Ul <lambda-sig> E [ <nonnegative number> ] _
//	<lambda-sig> ::= <parameter type>+
func (st *state) closureTypeName() AST {}

// templateParamDecl parses:
//	<template-param-decl> ::= Ty                          # type parameter
//	                      ::= Tn <type>                   # non-type parameter
//	                      ::= Tt <template-param-decl>* E # template parameter
//	                      ::= Tp <template-param-decl>    # parameter pack
// Returns the new AST to include in the AST we are building and the
// new AST to add to the list of template parameters.
// Returns nil, nil if not looking at a template-param-decl.
func (st *state) templateParamDecl() (AST, AST) {}

// unnamedTypeName parses:
//	<unnamed-type-name> ::= Ut [ <nonnegative number> ] _
func (st *state) unnamedTypeName() AST {}

// constraintExpr parses a constraint expression. This is just a
// regular expression, but template parameters are handled specially.
func (st *state) constraintExpr() AST {}

// Recognize a clone suffix.  These are not part of the mangling API,
// but are added by GCC when cloning functions.
func (st *state) cloneSuffix(a AST) AST {}

type substitutions

// add adds a new substitution candidate.
func (subs *substitutions) add(a AST) {}

var subAST

var verboseAST

// substitution parses:
//	<substitution> ::= S <seq-id> _
//	               ::= S_
//	               ::= St
//	               ::= Sa
//	               ::= Sb
//	               ::= Ss
//	               ::= Si
//	               ::= So
//	               ::= Sd
func (st *state) substitution(forPrefix bool) AST {}

// isDigit returns whetner c is a digit for demangling purposes.
func isDigit(c byte) bool {}

// isUpper returns whether c is an upper case letter for demangling purposes.
func isUpper(c byte) bool {}

// isLower returns whether c is a lower case letter for demangling purposes.
func isLower(c byte) bool {}

// simplify replaces template parameters with their expansions, and
// merges qualifiers.
func simplify(a AST) AST {}

// simplifyOne simplifies a single AST.  It returns nil if there is
// nothing to do.
func simplifyOne(a AST) AST {}

// findArgumentPack walks the AST looking for the argument pack for a
// pack expansion.  We find it via a template parameter.
func (st *state) findArgumentPack(a AST) *ArgumentPack {}