
type typ1ExtndMnics

type typ2ExtndMnics

type typ3ExtndMnics

type typ4ExtndMnics

type typ5ExtndMnics

// "func Handleextndmnemonic" - This is the function where the extended mnemonic logic
// is implemented. This function defines various structures to keep a list of base
// instructions and their extended mnemonic strings. These structure will also have
// M-field values and offset values defined, based on their type.
// HandleExtndMnemonic takes "inst" structure as the input variable.
// Inst structure will have all the details related to an instruction. Based on the
// opcode base string, a switch-case statement is executed. In that, based on the
// M-field value and the offset value of that particular M-field, extended mnemonic
// string is either searched or constructed by adding couple of extra strings to the base
// opcode string from one of the structure defined below.
func HandleExtndMnemonic(inst *Inst) string {}

// This is the function that is called to print the disassembled instruction
// in the GNU (AT&T) syntax form.
func GNUSyntax(inst Inst, pc uint64) string {}

// removeArg removes the arg in inst.Args[index].
func removeArg(inst *Inst, index int8) {}