
// NewParser returns a properly configured Markdown parser.
func NewParser() *md.Parser {}

// CheckFragment reports problems in a release-note fragment.
func CheckFragment(data string) error {}

// text returns all the text in a block, without any formatting.
func text(b md.Block) string {}

// blocksText returns all the text in a slice of block nodes.
func blocksText(bs []md.Block) string {}

// inlineText returns all the next in a slice of inline nodes.
func inlineText(ins []md.Inline) string {}

// Merge combines the markdown documents (files ending in ".md") in the tree rooted
// at fs into a single document.
// The blocks of the documents are concatenated in lexicographic order by filename.
// Heading with no content are removed.
// The link keys must be unique, and are combined into a single map.
// Files in the "minor changes" directory (the unique directory matching the glob
// "*stdlib/*minor") are named after the package to which they refer, and will have
// the package heading inserted automatically and links to other standard library
// symbols expanded automatically. For example, if a file *stdlib/minor/bytes/f.md
// contains the text
//	[Reader] implements [io.Reader].
// then that will become
//	[Reader](/pkg/bytes#Reader) implements [io.Reader](/pkg/io#Reader).
func Merge(fsys fs.FS) (*md.Document, error) {}

// stdlibPackage returns the standard library package for the given filename.
// If the filename does not represent a package, it returns the empty string.
// A filename represents package P if it is in a directory matching the glob
// "*stdlib/*minor/P".
func stdlibPackage(filename string) string {}

func stdlibPackageHeading(pkg string, lastLine int) *md.Heading {}

// removeEmptySections removes headings with no content. A heading has no content
// if there are no blocks between it and the next heading at the same level, or the
// end of the document.
func removeEmptySections(bs []md.Block) []md.Block {}

func sortedMarkdownFilenames(fsys fs.FS) ([]string, error) {}

// lastBlock returns the last block in the document.
// It panics if the document has no blocks.
func lastBlock(doc *md.Document) md.Block {}

// addLines adds n lines to the position of b.
// n can be negative.
func addLines(b md.Block, n int) {}

func position(b md.Block) *md.Position {}

func parseMarkdownFile(fsys fs.FS, path string) (*md.Document, error) {}

type APIFeature

var apiFileLineRegexp

// parseAPIFile parses a file in the api format and returns a list of the file's features.
// A feature is represented by a single line that looks like
// where the BUILD and ISSUE may be absent.
func parseAPIFile(fsys fs.FS, filename string) ([]APIFeature, error) {}

// GroupAPIFeaturesByFile returns a map of the given features keyed by
// the doc filename that they are associated with.
// A feature with package P and issue N should be documented in the file
// "P/N.md".
func GroupAPIFeaturesByFile(fs []APIFeature) (map[string][]APIFeature, error) {}

// CheckAPIFile reads the api file at filename in apiFS, and checks the corresponding
// release-note files under docFS. It checks that the files exist and that they have
// some minimal content (see [CheckFragment]).
// The docRoot argument is the path from the repo or project root to the root of docFS.
// It is used only for error messages.
func CheckAPIFile(apiFS fs.FS, filename string, docFS fs.FS, docRoot string) error {}

// minorChangesDir returns the unique directory in docFS that corresponds to the
// "Minor changes to the standard library" section of the release notes.
func minorChangesDir(docFS fs.FS) (string, error) {}

func checkFragmentFile(fsys fs.FS, filename string) error {}