
type Position

// add returns the position at the end of s, assuming it starts at p.
func (p Position) add(s string) Position {}

type Expr

type Comment

type Comments

// Comment returns the receiver. This isn't useful by itself, but
// a [Comments] struct is embedded into all the expression
// implementation types, and this gives each of those a Comment
// method to satisfy the Expr interface.
func (c *Comments) Comment() *Comments {}

type FileSyntax

func (x *FileSyntax) Span() (start, end Position) {}

// addLine adds a line containing the given tokens to the file.
// If the first token of the hint matches the first token of the
// line, the new line is added at the end of the block containing hint,
// extracting hint into a new block if it is not yet in one.
// If the hint is non-nil buts its first token does not match,
// the new line is added after the block containing hint
// (or hint itself, if not in a block).
// If no hint is provided, addLine appends the line to the end of
// the last block with a matching first token,
// or to the end of the file if no such block exists.
func (x *FileSyntax) addLine(hint Expr, tokens ...string) *Line {}

func (x *FileSyntax) updateLine(line *Line, tokens ...string) {}

// markRemoved modifies line so that it (and its end-of-line comment, if any)
// will be dropped by (*FileSyntax).Cleanup.
func (line *Line) markRemoved() {}

// Cleanup cleans up the file syntax x after any edit operations.
// To avoid quadratic behavior, (*Line).markRemoved marks the line as dead
// by setting line.Token = nil but does not remove it from the slice
// in which it appears. After edits have all been indicated,
// calling Cleanup cleans out the dead lines.
func (x *FileSyntax) Cleanup() {}

func commentsAdd(x, y []Comment) []Comment {}

func stringsAdd(x, y []string) []string {}

type CommentBlock

func (x *CommentBlock) Span() (start, end Position) {}

type Line

func (x *Line) Span() (start, end Position) {}

type LineBlock

func (x *LineBlock) Span() (start, end Position) {}

type LParen

func (x *LParen) Span() (start, end Position) {}

type RParen

func (x *RParen) Span() (start, end Position) {}

type input

func newInput(filename string, data []byte) *input {}

// parse parses the input file.
func parse(file string, data []byte) (f *FileSyntax, err error) {}

// Error is called to report an error.
// Error does not return: it panics.
func (in *input) Error(s string) {}

// eof reports whether the input has reached end of file.
func (in *input) eof() bool {}

// peekRune returns the next rune in the input without consuming it.
func (in *input) peekRune() int {}

// peekPrefix reports whether the remaining input begins with the given prefix.
func (in *input) peekPrefix(prefix string) bool {}

// readRune consumes and returns the next rune in the input.
func (in *input) readRune() int {}

type token

type tokenKind

const _EOF


const _IDENT

const _STRING

const _COMMENT

func (k tokenKind) isComment() bool {}

// isEOL returns whether a token terminates a line.
func (k tokenKind) isEOL() bool {}

// startToken marks the beginning of the next input token.
// It must be followed by a call to endToken, once the token's text has
// been consumed using readRune.
func (in *input) startToken() {}

// endToken marks the end of an input token.
// It records the actual token string in tok.text.
// A single trailing newline (LF or CRLF) will be removed from comment tokens.
func (in *input) endToken(kind tokenKind) {}

// peek returns the kind of the next token returned by lex.
func (in *input) peek() tokenKind {}

// lex is called from the parser to obtain the next input token.
func (in *input) lex() token {}

// readToken lexes the next token from the text and stores it in in.token.
func (in *input) readToken() {}

// isIdent reports whether c is an identifier rune.
// We treat most printable runes as identifier runes, except for a handful of
// ASCII punctuation characters.
func isIdent(c int) bool {}

// order walks the expression adding it and its subexpressions to the
// preorder and postorder lists.
func (in *input) order(x Expr) {}

// assignComments attaches comments to nearby syntax.
func (in *input) assignComments() {}

// reverseComments reverses the []Comment list.
func reverseComments(list []Comment) {}

func (in *input) parseFile() {}

func (in *input) parseStmt() {}

func (in *input) parseLineBlock(start Position, token []string, lparen token) *LineBlock {}

func (in *input) parseLine() *Line {}

var slashSlash

var moduleStr

// ModulePath returns the module path from the gomod file text.
// If it cannot find a module path, it returns an empty string.
// It is tolerant of unrelated problems in the go.mod file.
func ModulePath(mod []byte) string {}