
type File

type Module

type Go

type Toolchain

type Godebug

type Exclude

type Replace

type Retract

type Tool

type VersionInterval

type Require

func (r *Require) markRemoved() {}

func (r *Require) setVersion(v string) {}

// setIndirect sets line to have (or not have) a "// indirect" comment.
func (r *Require) setIndirect(indirect bool) {}

// isIndirect reports whether line has a "// indirect" comment,
// meaning it is in go.mod only for its effect on indirect dependencies,
// so that it can be dropped entirely once the effective version of the
// indirect dependency reaches the given minimum version.
func isIndirect(line *Line) bool {}

func (f *File) AddModuleStmt(path string) error {}

func (f *File) AddComment(text string) {}

type VersionFixer

var dontFixRetract

// Parse parses and returns a go.mod file.
// file is the name of the file, used in positions and errors.
// data is the content of the file.
// fix is an optional function that canonicalizes module versions.
// If fix is nil, all module versions must be canonical ([module.CanonicalVersion]
// must return the same string).
func Parse(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer) (*File, error) {}

// ParseLax is like Parse but ignores unknown statements.
// It is used when parsing go.mod files other than the main module,
// under the theory that most statement types we add in the future will
// only apply in the main module, like exclude and replace,
// and so we get better gradual deployments if old go commands
// simply ignore those statements when found in go.mod files
// in dependencies.
func ParseLax(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer) (*File, error) {}

func parseToFile(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer, strict bool) (parsed *File, err error) {}

var GoVersionRE

var laxGoVersionRE

var ToolchainRE

func (f *File) add(errs *ErrorList, block *LineBlock, line *Line, verb string, args []string, fix VersionFixer, strict bool) {}

func parseReplace(filename string, line *Line, verb string, args []string, fix VersionFixer) (*Replace, *Error) {}

// fixRetract applies fix to each retract directive in f, appending any errors
// to errs.
// Most versions are fixed as we parse the file, but for retract directives,
// the relevant module path is the one specified with the module directive,
// and that might appear at the end of the file (or not at all).
func (f *File) fixRetract(fix VersionFixer, errs *ErrorList) {}

func (f *WorkFile) add(errs *ErrorList, line *Line, verb string, args []string, fix VersionFixer) {}

// IsDirectoryPath reports whether the given path should be interpreted as a directory path.
// Just like on the go command line, relative paths starting with a '.' or '..' path component
// and rooted paths are directory paths; the rest are module paths.
func IsDirectoryPath(ns string) bool {}

// MustQuote reports whether s must be quoted in order to appear as
// a single token in a go.mod line.
func MustQuote(s string) bool {}

// AutoQuote returns s or, if quoting is required for s to appear in a go.mod,
// the quotation of s.
func AutoQuote(s string) string {}

func parseVersionInterval(verb string, path string, args *[]string, fix VersionFixer) (VersionInterval, error) {}

func parseString(s *string) (string, error) {}

var deprecatedRE

// parseDeprecation extracts the text of comments on a "module" directive and
// extracts a deprecation message from that.
// A deprecation message is contained in a paragraph within a block of comments
// that starts with "Deprecated:" (case sensitive). The message runs until the
// end of the paragraph and does not include the "Deprecated:" prefix. If the
// comment block has multiple paragraphs that start with "Deprecated:",
// parseDeprecation returns the message from the first.
func parseDeprecation(block *LineBlock, line *Line) string {}

// parseDirectiveComment extracts the text of comments on a directive.
// If the directive's line does not have comments and is part of a block that
// does have comments, the block's comments are used.
func parseDirectiveComment(block *LineBlock, line *Line) string {}

type ErrorList

func (e ErrorList) Error() string {}

type Error

func (e *Error) Error() string {}

func (e *Error) Unwrap() error {}

func parseVersion(verb string, path string, s *string, fix VersionFixer) (string, error) {}

func modulePathMajor(path string) (string, error) {}

func (f *File) Format() ([]byte, error) {}

// Cleanup cleans up the file f after any edit operations.
// To avoid quadratic behavior, modifications like [File.DropRequire]
// clear the entry but do not remove it from the slice.
// Cleanup cleans out all the cleared entries.
func (f *File) Cleanup() {}

func (f *File) AddGoStmt(version string) error {}

// DropGoStmt deletes the go statement from the file.
func (f *File) DropGoStmt() {}

// DropToolchainStmt deletes the toolchain statement from the file.
func (f *File) DropToolchainStmt() {}

func (f *File) AddToolchainStmt(name string) error {}

// AddGodebug sets the first godebug line for key to value,
// preserving any existing comments for that line and removing all
// other godebug lines for key.
// If no line currently exists for key, AddGodebug adds a new line
// at the end of the last godebug block.
func (f *File) AddGodebug(key, value string) error {}

// addNewGodebug adds a new godebug key=value line at the end
// of the last godebug block, regardless of any existing godebug lines for key.
func (f *File) addNewGodebug(key, value string) {}

// AddRequire sets the first require line for path to version vers,
// preserving any existing comments for that line and removing all
// other lines for path.
// If no line currently exists for path, AddRequire adds a new line
// at the end of the last require block.
func (f *File) AddRequire(path, vers string) error {}

// AddNewRequire adds a new require line for path at version vers at the end of
// the last require block, regardless of any existing require lines for path.
func (f *File) AddNewRequire(path, vers string, indirect bool) {}

// SetRequire updates the requirements of f to contain exactly req, preserving
// the existing block structure and line comment contents (except for 'indirect'
// markings) for the first requirement on each named module path.
// The Syntax field is ignored for the requirements in req.
// Any requirements not already present in the file are added to the block
// containing the last require line.
// The requirements in req must specify at most one distinct version for each
// module path.
// If any existing requirements may be removed, the caller should call
// [File.Cleanup] after all edits are complete.
func (f *File) SetRequire(req []*Require) {}

// SetRequireSeparateIndirect updates the requirements of f to contain the given
// requirements. Comment contents (except for 'indirect' markings) are retained
// from the first existing requirement for each module path. Like SetRequire,
// SetRequireSeparateIndirect adds requirements for new paths in req,
// updates the version and "// indirect" comment on existing requirements,
// and deletes requirements on paths not in req. Existing duplicate requirements
// are deleted.
// As its name suggests, SetRequireSeparateIndirect puts direct and indirect
// requirements into two separate blocks, one containing only direct
// requirements, and the other containing only indirect requirements.
// SetRequireSeparateIndirect may move requirements between these two blocks
// when their indirect markings change. However, SetRequireSeparateIndirect
// won't move requirements from other blocks, especially blocks with comments.
// If the file initially has one uncommented block of requirements,
// SetRequireSeparateIndirect will split it into a direct-only and indirect-only
// block. This aids in the transition to separate blocks.
func (f *File) SetRequireSeparateIndirect(req []*Require) {}

func (f *File) DropGodebug(key string) error {}

func (f *File) DropRequire(path string) error {}

// AddExclude adds a exclude statement to the mod file. Errors if the provided
// version is not a canonical version string
func (f *File) AddExclude(path, vers string) error {}

func (f *File) DropExclude(path, vers string) error {}

func (f *File) AddReplace(oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error {}

func addReplace(syntax *FileSyntax, replace *[]*Replace, oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error {}

func (f *File) DropReplace(oldPath, oldVers string) error {}

// AddRetract adds a retract statement to the mod file. Errors if the provided
// version interval does not consist of canonical version strings
func (f *File) AddRetract(vi VersionInterval, rationale string) error {}

func (f *File) DropRetract(vi VersionInterval) error {}

// AddTool adds a new tool directive with the given path.
// It does nothing if the tool line already exists.
func (f *File) AddTool(path string) error {}

// RemoveTool removes a tool directive with the given path.
// It does nothing if no such tool directive exists.
func (f *File) DropTool(path string) error {}

func (f *File) SortBlocks() {}

// removeDups removes duplicate exclude, replace and tool directives.
// Earlier exclude and tool directives take priority.
// Later replace directives take priority.
// require directives are not de-duplicated. That's left up to higher-level
// logic (MVS).
// retract directives are not de-duplicated since comments are
// meaningful, and versions may be retracted multiple times.
func (f *File) removeDups() {}

func removeDups(syntax *FileSyntax, exclude *[]*Exclude, replace *[]*Replace, tool *[]*Tool) {}

// lineLess returns whether li should be sorted before lj. It sorts
// lexicographically without assigning any special meaning to tokens.
func lineLess(li, lj *Line) bool {}

// lineExcludeLess reports whether li should be sorted before lj for lines in
// an "exclude" block.
func lineExcludeLess(li, lj *Line) bool {}

// lineRetractLess returns whether li should be sorted before lj for lines in
// a "retract" block. It treats each line as a version interval. Single versions
// are compared as if they were intervals with the same low and high version.
// Intervals are sorted in descending order, first by low version, then by
// high version, using semver.Compare.
func lineRetractLess(li, lj *Line) bool {}

// checkCanonicalVersion returns a non-nil error if vers is not a canonical
// version string or does not match the major version of path.
// If path is non-empty, the error text suggests a format with a major version
// corresponding to the path.
func checkCanonicalVersion(path, vers string) error {}