
type Verifier

type Signer

// keyHash computes the key hash for the given server name and encoded public key.
func keyHash(name string, key []byte) uint32 {}

var errVerifierID

var errVerifierAlg

var errVerifierHash

const algEd25519

// isValidName reports whether name is valid.
// It must be non-empty and not have any Unicode spaces or pluses.
func isValidName(name string) bool {}

// NewVerifier construct a new [Verifier] from an encoded verifier key.
func NewVerifier(vkey string) (Verifier, error) {}

// chop chops s at the first instance of sep, if any,
// and returns the text before and after sep.
// If sep is not present, chop returns before is s and after is empty.
func chop(s, sep string) (before, after string) {}

type verifier

func (v *verifier) Name() string                {}

func (v *verifier) KeyHash() uint32             {}

func (v *verifier) Verify(msg, sig []byte) bool {}

// NewSigner constructs a new [Signer] from an encoded signer key.
func NewSigner(skey string) (Signer, error) {}

var errSignerID

var errSignerAlg

var errSignerHash

type signer

func (s *signer) Name() string                    {}

func (s *signer) KeyHash() uint32                 {}

func (s *signer) Sign(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

// GenerateKey generates a signer and verifier key pair for a named server.
// The signer key skey is private and must be kept secret.
func GenerateKey(rand io.Reader, name string) (skey, vkey string, err error) {}

// NewEd25519VerifierKey returns an encoded verifier key using the given name
// and Ed25519 public key.
func NewEd25519VerifierKey(name string, key ed25519.PublicKey) (string, error) {}

type Verifiers

type UnknownVerifierError

func (e *UnknownVerifierError) Error() string {}

type ambiguousVerifierError

func (e *ambiguousVerifierError) Error() string {}

// VerifierList returns a [Verifiers] implementation that uses the given list of verifiers.
func VerifierList(list ...Verifier) Verifiers {}

type nameHash

type verifierMap

func (m verifierMap) Verifier(name string, hash uint32) (Verifier, error) {}

type Note

type Signature

type UnverifiedNoteError

func (e *UnverifiedNoteError) Error() string {}

type InvalidSignatureError

func (e *InvalidSignatureError) Error() string {}

var errMalformedNote

var errInvalidSigner

var errMismatchedVerifier

var sigSplit

var sigPrefix

// Open opens and parses the message msg, checking signatures from the known verifiers.
// For each signature in the message, Open calls known.Verifier to find a verifier.
// If known.Verifier returns a verifier and the verifier accepts the signature,
// Open records the signature in the returned note's Sigs field.
// If known.Verifier returns a verifier but the verifier rejects the signature,
// Open returns an InvalidSignatureError.
// If known.Verifier returns an UnknownVerifierError,
// Open records the signature in the returned note's UnverifiedSigs field.
// If known.Verifier returns any other error, Open returns that error.
// If no known verifier has signed an otherwise valid note,
// Open returns an [UnverifiedNoteError].
// In this case, the unverified note can be fetched from inside the error.
func Open(msg []byte, known Verifiers) (*Note, error) {}

// Sign signs the note with the given signers and returns the encoded message.
// The new signatures from signers are listed in the encoded message after
// the existing signatures already present in n.Sigs.
// If any signer uses the same key as an existing signature,
// the existing signature is elided from the output.
func Sign(n *Note, signers ...Signer) ([]byte, error) {}