
const MaxZipFile

const MaxGoMod

const MaxLICENSE

type File

type CheckedFiles

// Err returns an error if [CheckedFiles] does not describe a valid module zip
// file. [CheckedFiles.SizeError] is returned if that field is set.
// A [FileErrorList] is returned
// if there are one or more invalid files. Other errors may be returned in the
// future.
func (cf CheckedFiles) Err() error {}

type FileErrorList

func (el FileErrorList) Error() string {}

type FileError

func (e FileError) Error() string {}

func (e FileError) Unwrap() error {}

var errPathNotClean

var errPathNotRelative

var errGoModCase

var errGoModSize

var errLICENSESize

var errVCS

var errVendored

var errSubmoduleFile

var errSubmoduleDir

var errHgArchivalTxt

var errSymlink

var errNotRegular

// CheckFiles reports whether a list of files satisfy the name and size
// constraints listed in the package documentation. The returned CheckedFiles
// record contains lists of valid, invalid, and omitted files. Every file in
// the given list will be included in exactly one of those lists.
// CheckFiles returns an error if the returned CheckedFiles does not describe
// a valid module zip file (according to CheckedFiles.Err). The returned
// CheckedFiles is still populated when an error is returned.
// Note that CheckFiles will not open any files, so Create may still fail when
// CheckFiles is successful due to I/O errors and reported size differences.
func CheckFiles(files []File) (CheckedFiles, error) {}

// checkFiles implements CheckFiles and also returns lists of valid files and
// their sizes, corresponding to cf.Valid. It omits files in submodules, files
// in vendored packages, symlinked files, and various other unwanted files.
// The lists returned are used in Create to avoid repeated calls to File.Lstat.
func checkFiles(files []File) (cf CheckedFiles, validFiles []File, validSizes []int64) {}

// CheckDir reports whether the files in dir satisfy the name and size
// constraints listed in the package documentation. The returned [CheckedFiles]
// record contains lists of valid, invalid, and omitted files. If a directory is
// omitted (for example, a nested module or vendor directory), it will appear in
// the omitted list, but its files won't be listed.
// CheckDir returns an error if it encounters an I/O error or if the returned
// [CheckedFiles] does not describe a valid module zip file (according to
// [CheckedFiles.Err]). The returned [CheckedFiles] is still populated when such
// an error is returned.
// Note that CheckDir will not open any files, so [CreateFromDir] may still fail
// when CheckDir is successful due to I/O errors.
func CheckDir(dir string) (CheckedFiles, error) {}

// CheckZip reports whether the files contained in a zip file satisfy the name
// and size constraints listed in the package documentation.
// CheckZip returns an error if the returned [CheckedFiles] does not describe
// a valid module zip file (according to [CheckedFiles.Err]). The returned
// CheckedFiles is still populated when an error is returned. CheckZip will
// also return an error if the module path or version is malformed or if it
// encounters an error reading the zip file.
// Note that CheckZip does not read individual files, so [Unzip] may still fail
// when CheckZip is successful due to I/O errors.
func CheckZip(m module.Version, zipFile string) (CheckedFiles, error) {}

// checkZip implements checkZip and also returns the *zip.Reader. This is
// used in Unzip to avoid redundant I/O.
func checkZip(m module.Version, f *os.File) (*zip.Reader, CheckedFiles, error) {}

// Create builds a zip archive for module m from an abstract list of files
// and writes it to w.
// Create verifies the restrictions described in the package documentation
// and should not produce an archive that [Unzip] cannot extract. Create does not
// include files in the output archive if they don't belong in the module zip.
// In particular, Create will not include files in modules found in
// subdirectories, most files in vendor directories, or irregular files (such
// as symbolic links) in the output archive.
func Create(w io.Writer, m module.Version, files []File) (err error) {}

// CreateFromDir creates a module zip file for module m from the contents of
// a directory, dir. The zip content is written to w.
// CreateFromDir verifies the restrictions described in the package
// documentation and should not produce an archive that [Unzip] cannot extract.
// CreateFromDir does not include files in the output archive if they don't
// belong in the module zip. In particular, CreateFromDir will not include
// files in modules found in subdirectories, most files in vendor directories,
// or irregular files (such as symbolic links) in the output archive.
// Additionally, unlike [Create], CreateFromDir will not include directories
// named ".bzr", ".git", ".hg", or ".svn".
func CreateFromDir(w io.Writer, m module.Version, dir string) (err error) {}

// CreateFromVCS creates a module zip file for module m from the contents of a
// VCS repository stored locally. The zip content is written to w.
// repoRoot must be an absolute path to the base of the repository, such as
// "/Users/some-user/some-repo".
// revision is the revision of the repository to create the zip from. Examples
// include HEAD or SHA sums for git repositories.
// subdir must be the relative path from the base of the repository, such as
// "sub/dir". To create a zip from the base of the repository, pass an empty
// string.
// If CreateFromVCS returns [UnrecognizedVCSError], consider falling back to
// [CreateFromDir].
func CreateFromVCS(w io.Writer, m module.Version, repoRoot, revision, subdir string) (err error) {}

type UnrecognizedVCSError

func (e *UnrecognizedVCSError) Error() string {}

// filesInGitRepo filters out any files that are git ignored in the directory.
func filesInGitRepo(dir, rev, subdir string) ([]File, error) {}

// isGitRepo reports whether the given directory is a git repo.
func isGitRepo(dir string) bool {}

type dirFile

func (f dirFile) Path() string                 {}

func (f dirFile) Lstat() (os.FileInfo, error)  {}

func (f dirFile) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {}

type zipFile

func (f zipFile) Path() string                 {}

func (f zipFile) Lstat() (os.FileInfo, error)  {}

func (f zipFile) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {}

type dataFile

func (f dataFile) Path() string                 {}

func (f dataFile) Lstat() (os.FileInfo, error)  {}

func (f dataFile) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {}

type dataFileInfo

func (fi dataFileInfo) Name() string       {}

func (fi dataFileInfo) Size() int64        {}

func (fi dataFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode  {}

func (fi dataFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {}

func (fi dataFileInfo) IsDir() bool        {}

func (fi dataFileInfo) Sys() interface{}

// isVendoredPackage attempts to report whether the given filename is contained
// in a package whose import path contains (but does not end with) the component
// "vendor".
// Unfortunately, isVendoredPackage reports false positives for files in any
// non-top-level package whose import path ends in "vendor".
func isVendoredPackage(name string) bool {}

// Unzip extracts the contents of a module zip file to a directory.
// Unzip checks all restrictions listed in the package documentation and returns
// an error if the zip archive is not valid. In some cases, files may be written
// to dir before an error is returned (for example, if a file's uncompressed
// size does not match its declared size).
// dir may or may not exist: Unzip will create it and any missing parent
// directories if it doesn't exist. If dir exists, it must be empty.
func Unzip(dir string, m module.Version, zipFile string) (err error) {}

type collisionChecker

type pathInfo

func (cc collisionChecker) check(p string, isDir bool) error {}

// listFilesInDir walks the directory tree rooted at dir and returns a list of
// files, as well as a list of directories and files that were skipped (for
// example, nested modules and symbolic links).
func listFilesInDir(dir string) (files []File, omitted []FileError, err error) {}

type zipError

func (e *zipError) Error() string {}

func (e *zipError) Unwrap() error {}

// strToFold returns a string with the property that
//	strings.EqualFold(s, t) iff strToFold(s) == strToFold(t)
// This lets us test a large set of strings for fold-equivalent
// duplicates without making a quadratic number of calls
// to EqualFold. Note that strings.ToUpper and strings.ToLower
// do not have the desired property in some corner cases.
func strToFold(s string) string {}