
const cpuSetSize

type CPUSet

func schedAffinity(trap uintptr, pid int, set *CPUSet) error {}

// SchedGetaffinity gets the CPU affinity mask of the thread specified by pid.
// If pid is 0 the calling thread is used.
func SchedGetaffinity(pid int, set *CPUSet) error {}

// SchedSetaffinity sets the CPU affinity mask of the thread specified by pid.
// If pid is 0 the calling thread is used.
func SchedSetaffinity(pid int, set *CPUSet) error {}

// Zero clears the set s, so that it contains no CPUs.
func (s *CPUSet) Zero() {}

func cpuBitsIndex(cpu int) int {}

func cpuBitsMask(cpu int) cpuMask {}

// Set adds cpu to the set s.
func (s *CPUSet) Set(cpu int) {}

// Clear removes cpu from the set s.
func (s *CPUSet) Clear(cpu int) {}

// IsSet reports whether cpu is in the set s.
func (s *CPUSet) IsSet(cpu int) bool {}

// Count returns the number of CPUs in the set s.
func (s *CPUSet) Count() int {}