
type StackCounter

type stack

func NewStack(name string, depth int) *StackCounter {}

// Inc increments a stack counter. It computes the caller's stack and
// looks up the corresponding counter. It then increments that counter,
// creating it if necessary.
func (c *StackCounter) Inc() {}

// EncodeStack returns the name of the counter to
// use for the given stack of program counters.
// The name encodes the stack.
func EncodeStack(pcs []uintptr, prefix string) string {}

// DecodeStack expands the (compressed) stack encoded in the counter name.
func DecodeStack(ename string) string {}

// input is <import path>.<function name>
// output is (import path, function name)
func cutLastDot(x string) (before, after string) {}

// Names reports all the counter names associated with a StackCounter.
func (c *StackCounter) Names() []string {}

// Counters returns the known Counters for a StackCounter.
// There may be more in the count file.
func (c *StackCounter) Counters() []*Counter {}

func eq(a, b []uintptr) bool {}

// ReadStack reads the given stack counter.
// This is the implementation of
// golang.org/x/telemetry/counter/countertest.ReadStackCounter.
func ReadStack(c *StackCounter) (map[string]uint64, error) {}

// IsStackCounter reports whether the counter name is for a stack counter.
func IsStackCounter(name string) bool {}