
var Default

type Dir

// NewDir creates a new Dir encapsulating paths in the given dir.
// NewDir does not create any new directories or files--it merely encapsulates
// the telemetry directory layout.
func NewDir(dir string) Dir {}

func init() {}

func (d Dir) Dir() string {}

func (d Dir) LocalDir() string {}

func (d Dir) UploadDir() string {}

func (d Dir) DebugDir() string {}

func (d Dir) ModeFile() string {}

// SetMode updates the telemetry mode with the given mode.
// Acceptable values for mode are "on", "off", or "local".
// SetMode always writes the mode file, and explicitly records the date at
// which the modefile was updated. This means that calling SetMode with "on"
// effectively resets the timeout before the next telemetry report is uploaded.
func (d Dir) SetMode(mode string) error {}

// SetModeAsOf is like SetMode, but accepts an explicit time to use to
// back-date the mode state. This exists only for testing purposes.
func (d Dir) SetModeAsOf(mode string, asofTime time.Time) error {}

// Mode returns the current telemetry mode, as well as the time that the mode
// was effective.
// If there is no effective time, the second result is the zero time.
// If Mode is "off", no data should be written to the telemetry directory, and
// the other paths values referenced by Dir should be considered undefined.
// This accounts for the case where initializing [Default] fails, and therefore
// local telemetry paths are unknown.
func (d Dir) Mode() (string, time.Time) {}

const DisabledOnPlatform