
// reports generates reports from inactive count files
func (u *uploader) reports(todo *work) ([]string, error) {}

// latestReport returns the YYYY-MM-DD of the last report uploaded
// or the empty string if there are no reports.
func latestReport(uploaded map[string]bool) string {}

// notNeeded returns true if the report for date has already been created
func notNeeded(date string, todo work) bool {}

func (u *uploader) deleteFiles(files []string) {}

// createReport creates local and upload report files by
// combining all the count files for the expiryDate, and
// returns the upload report file's path.
// It may delete the count files once local and upload report
// files are successfully created.
func (u *uploader) createReport(start time.Time, expiryDate string, countFiles []string, lastWeek string) (string, error) {}

// exclusiveWrite attempts to create filename exclusively, and if successful,
// writes content to the resulting file handle.
// It returns a boolean indicating whether the exclusive handle was acquired,
// and an error indicating whether the operation succeeded.
// If the file already exists, exclusiveWrite returns (false, nil).
func exclusiveWrite(filename string, content []byte) (_ bool, rerr error) {}

// return an existing ProgremReport, or create anew
func findProgReport(meta map[string]string, report *telemetry.Report) *telemetry.ProgramReport {}

// computeRandom returns a cryptographic random float64 in the range [0, 1],
// with 52 bits of precision.
func computeRandom() float64 {}