
type Caser

// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of converting b to the case
// form implemented by c.
func (c Caser) Bytes(b []byte) []byte {}

// String returns a string with the result of transforming s to the case form
// implemented by c.
func (c Caser) String(s string) string {}

// Reset resets the Caser to be reused for new input after a previous call to
// Transform.
func (c Caser) Reset() {}

// Transform implements the transform.Transformer interface and transforms the
// given input to the case form implemented by c.
func (c Caser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {}

// Span implements the transform.SpanningTransformer interface.
func (c Caser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) {}

// Upper returns a Caser for language-specific uppercasing.
func Upper(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser {}

// Lower returns a Caser for language-specific lowercasing.
func Lower(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser {}

// Title returns a Caser for language-specific title casing. It uses an
// approximation of the default Unicode Word Break algorithm.
func Title(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser {}

// Fold returns a Caser that implements Unicode case folding. The returned Caser
// is stateless and safe to use concurrently by multiple goroutines.
// Case folding does not normalize the input and may not preserve a normal form.
// Use the collate or search package for more convenient and linguistically
// sound comparisons. Use golang.org/x/text/secure/precis for string comparisons
// where security aspects are a concern.
func Fold(opts ...Option) Caser {}

type Option

var NoLower

var Compact

type options

func getOpts(o ...Option) (res options) {}

func noLower(o options) options {}

func compact(o options) options {}

// HandleFinalSigma specifies whether the special handling of Greek final sigma
// should be enabled. Unicode prescribes handling the Greek final sigma for all
// locales, but standards like IDNA and PRECIS override this default.
func HandleFinalSigma(enable bool) Option {}

func ignoreFinalSigma(o options) options {}

func handleFinalSigma(o options) options {}