
type Index

// Elem returns the element data at the given index.
func (s Index) Elem(x int) string {}

// Index reports the index of the given key or -1 if it could not be found.
// Only the first len(key) bytes from the start of the 4-byte entries will be
// considered for the search and the first match in Index will be returned.
func (s Index) Index(key []byte) int {}

// Next finds the next occurrence of key after index x, which must have been
// obtained from a call to Index using the same key. It returns x+1 or -1.
func (s Index) Next(key []byte, x int) int {}

// cmp returns an integer comparing a and b lexicographically.
func cmp(a Index, b []byte) int {}

// Compare returns an integer comparing a and b lexicographically.
func Compare(a string, b []byte) int {}

// FixCase reformats b to the same pattern of cases as form.
// If returns false if string b is malformed.
func FixCase(form string, b []byte) bool {}