
const maxNonStarters

const maxBufferSize

const maxNFCExpansion

const maxNFKCExpansion

const maxByteBufferSize

type ssState

const ssSuccess

const ssStarter

const ssOverflow

type streamSafe

// first inserts the first rune of a segment. It is a faster version of next if
// it is known p represents the first rune in a segment.
func (ss *streamSafe) first(p Properties) {}

// insert returns a ssState value to indicate whether a rune represented by p
// can be inserted.
func (ss *streamSafe) next(p Properties) ssState {}

// backwards is used for checking for overflow and segment starts
// when traversing a string backwards. Users do not need to call first
// for the first rune. The state of the streamSafe retains the count of
// the non-starters loaded.
func (ss *streamSafe) backwards(p Properties) ssState {}

func (ss streamSafe) isMax() bool {}

const GraphemeJoiner

type reorderBuffer

func (rb *reorderBuffer) init(f Form, src []byte) {}

func (rb *reorderBuffer) initString(f Form, src string) {}

func (rb *reorderBuffer) setFlusher(out []byte, f func(*reorderBuffer) bool) {}

// reset discards all characters from the buffer.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) reset() {}

func (rb *reorderBuffer) doFlush() bool {}

// appendFlush appends the normalized segment to rb.out.
func appendFlush(rb *reorderBuffer) bool {}

// flush appends the normalized segment to out and resets rb.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) flush(out []byte) []byte {}

// flushCopy copies the normalized segment to buf and resets rb.
// It returns the number of bytes written to buf.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) flushCopy(buf []byte) int {}

// insertOrdered inserts a rune in the buffer, ordered by Canonical Combining Class.
// It returns false if the buffer is not large enough to hold the rune.
// It is used internally by insert and insertString only.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) insertOrdered(info Properties) {}

type insertErr

const iSuccess

const iShortDst

const iShortSrc

// insertFlush inserts the given rune in the buffer ordered by CCC.
// If a decomposition with multiple segments are encountered, they leading
// ones are flushed.
// It returns a non-zero error code if the rune was not inserted.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) insertFlush(src input, i int, info Properties) insertErr {}

// insertUnsafe inserts the given rune in the buffer ordered by CCC.
// It is assumed there is sufficient space to hold the runes. It is the
// responsibility of the caller to ensure this. This can be done by checking
// the state returned by the streamSafe type.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) insertUnsafe(src input, i int, info Properties) {}

// insertDecomposed inserts an entry in to the reorderBuffer for each rune
// in dcomp. dcomp must be a sequence of decomposed UTF-8-encoded runes.
// It flushes the buffer on each new segment start.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) insertDecomposed(dcomp []byte) insertErr {}

// insertSingle inserts an entry in the reorderBuffer for the rune at
// position i. info is the runeInfo for the rune at position i.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) insertSingle(src input, i int, info Properties) {}

// insertCGJ inserts a Combining Grapheme Joiner (0x034f) into rb.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) insertCGJ() {}

// appendRune inserts a rune at the end of the buffer. It is used for Hangul.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) appendRune(r rune) {}

// assignRune sets a rune at position pos. It is used for Hangul and recomposition.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) assignRune(pos int, r rune) {}

// runeAt returns the rune at position n. It is used for Hangul and recomposition.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) runeAt(n int) rune {}

// bytesAt returns the UTF-8 encoding of the rune at position n.
// It is used for Hangul and recomposition.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) bytesAt(n int) []byte {}

const hangulBase

const hangulBase0

const hangulBase1

const hangulBase2

const hangulEnd

const hangulEnd0

const hangulEnd1

const hangulEnd2

const jamoLBase

const jamoLBase0

const jamoLBase1

const jamoLEnd

const jamoVBase

const jamoVEnd

const jamoTBase

const jamoTEnd

const jamoTCount

const jamoVCount

const jamoVTCount

const jamoLVTCount

const hangulUTF8Size

func isHangul(b []byte) bool {}

func isHangulString(b string) bool {}

// Caller must ensure len(b) >= 2.
func isJamoVT(b []byte) bool {}

func isHangulWithoutJamoT(b []byte) bool {}

// decomposeHangul writes the decomposed Hangul to buf and returns the number
// of bytes written.  len(buf) should be at least 9.
func decomposeHangul(buf []byte, r rune) int {}

// decomposeHangul algorithmically decomposes a Hangul rune into
// its Jamo components.
// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Hangul for details on decomposing Hangul.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) decomposeHangul(r rune) {}

// combineHangul algorithmically combines Jamo character components into Hangul.
// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Hangul for details on combining Hangul.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) combineHangul(s, i, k int) {}

// compose recombines the runes in the buffer.
// It should only be used to recompose a single segment, as it will not
// handle alternations between Hangul and non-Hangul characters correctly.
func (rb *reorderBuffer) compose() {}