
var doc

var Analyzer

func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}

// reportCaptured reports a diagnostic stating a loop variable
// has been captured by a func literal if checkStmt has escaping
// references to vars. vars is expected to be variables updated by a loop statement,
// and checkStmt is expected to be a statements from the body of a func literal in the loop.
func reportCaptured(pass *analysis.Pass, vars []types.Object, checkStmt ast.Stmt) {}

// forEachLastStmt calls onLast on each "last" statement in a list of statements.
// "Last" is defined recursively so, for example, if the last statement is
// a switch statement, then each switch case is also visited to examine
// its last statements.
func forEachLastStmt(stmts []ast.Stmt, onLast func(last ast.Stmt)) {}

// litStmts returns all statements from the function body of a function
// literal.
// If fun is not a function literal, it returns nil.
func litStmts(fun ast.Expr) []ast.Stmt {}

// goInvoke returns a function expression that would be called asynchronously
// (but not awaited) in another goroutine as a consequence of the call.
// For example, given the g.Go call below, it returns the function literal expression.
//	import "sync/errgroup"
//	var g errgroup.Group
//	g.Go(func() error { ... })
// Currently only "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup.Group()" is considered.
func goInvoke(info *types.Info, call *ast.CallExpr) ast.Expr {}

// parallelSubtest returns statements that can be easily proven to execute
// concurrently via the go test runner, as t.Run has been invoked with a
// function literal that calls t.Parallel.
// In practice, users rely on the fact that statements before the call to
// t.Parallel are synchronous. For example by declaring test := test inside the
// function literal, but before the call to t.Parallel.
// Therefore, we only flag references in statements that are obviously
// dominated by a call to t.Parallel. As a simple heuristic, we only consider
// statements following the final labeled statement in the function body, to
// avoid scenarios where a jump would cause either the call to t.Parallel or
// the problematic reference to be skipped.
//	import "testing"
//	func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
//		tests := []int{0, 1, 2}
//		for i, test := range tests {
//			t.Run("subtest", func(t *testing.T) {
//				println(i, test) // OK
//		 		t.Parallel()
//				println(i, test) // Not OK
//			})
//		}
//	}
func parallelSubtest(info *types.Info, call *ast.CallExpr) []ast.Stmt {}

// unlabel returns the inner statement for the possibly labeled statement stmt,
// stripping any (possibly nested) *ast.LabeledStmt wrapper.
// The second result reports whether stmt was an *ast.LabeledStmt.
func unlabel(stmt ast.Stmt) (ast.Stmt, bool) {}

// isMethodCall reports whether expr is a method call of
// <pkgPath>.<typeName>.<method>.
func isMethodCall(info *types.Info, expr ast.Expr, pkgPath, typeName, method string) bool {}