
func init() {}

var doc

var Analyzer

type Kind

const KindNone

const KindPrint

const KindPrintf

const KindErrorf

func (kind Kind) String() string {}

type Result

// Kind reports whether fn behaves like fmt.Print or fmt.Printf.
func (r *Result) Kind(fn *types.Func) Kind {}

type isWrapper

func (f *isWrapper) AFact() {}

func (f *isWrapper) String() string {}

func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}

type printfWrapper

type printfCaller

// maybePrintfWrapper decides whether decl (a declared function) may be a wrapper
// around a fmt.Printf or fmt.Print function. If so it returns a printfWrapper
// function describing the declaration. Later processing will analyze the
// graph of potential printf wrappers to pick out the ones that are true wrappers.
// A function may be a Printf or Print wrapper if its last argument is ...interface{}.
// If the next-to-last argument is a string, then this may be a Printf wrapper.
// Otherwise it may be a Print wrapper.
func maybePrintfWrapper(info *types.Info, decl ast.Decl) *printfWrapper {}

// findPrintfLike scans the entire package to find printf-like functions.
func findPrintfLike(pass *analysis.Pass, res *Result) (interface{}

func match(info *types.Info, arg ast.Expr, param *types.Var) bool {}

// checkPrintfFwd checks that a printf-forwarding wrapper is forwarding correctly.
// It diagnoses writing fmt.Printf(format, args) instead of fmt.Printf(format, args...).
func checkPrintfFwd(pass *analysis.Pass, w *printfWrapper, call *ast.CallExpr, kind Kind, res *Result) {}

var isPrint

// formatStringIndex returns the index of the format string (the last
// non-variadic parameter) within the given printf-like call
// expression, or -1 if unknown.
func formatStringIndex(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr) int {}

// stringConstantExpr returns expression's string constant value.
// ("", false) is returned if expression isn't a string
// constant.
func stringConstantExpr(pass *analysis.Pass, expr ast.Expr) (string, bool) {}

// checkCall triggers the print-specific checks if the call invokes a print function.
func checkCall(pass *analysis.Pass) {}

func printfNameAndKind(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr) (fn *types.Func, kind Kind) {}

// isFormatter reports whether t could satisfy fmt.Formatter.
// The only interface method to look for is "Format(State, rune)".
func isFormatter(typ types.Type) bool {}

type formatState

// checkPrintf checks a call to a formatted print routine such as Printf.
func checkPrintf(pass *analysis.Pass, kind Kind, call *ast.CallExpr, fn *types.Func) {}

// parseFlags accepts any printf flags.
func (s *formatState) parseFlags() {}

// scanNum advances through a decimal number if present.
func (s *formatState) scanNum() {}

// parseIndex scans an index expression. It returns false if there is a syntax error.
func (s *formatState) parseIndex() bool {}

// parseNum scans a width or precision (or *). It returns false if there's a bad index expression.
func (s *formatState) parseNum() bool {}

// parsePrecision scans for a precision. It returns false if there's a bad index expression.
func (s *formatState) parsePrecision() bool {}

// parsePrintfVerb looks the formatting directive that begins the format string
// and returns a formatState that encodes what the directive wants, without looking
// at the actual arguments present in the call. The result is nil if there is an error.
func parsePrintfVerb(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, name, format string, firstArg, argNum int) *formatState {}

type printfArgType

const argBool

const argInt

const argRune

const argString

const argFloat

const argComplex

const argPointer

const argError

const anyType

type printVerb

const noFlag

const numFlag

const sharpNumFlag

const allFlags

var printVerbs

// okPrintfArg compares the formatState to the arguments actually present,
// reporting any discrepancies it can discern. If the final argument is ellipsissed,
// there's little it can do for that.
func okPrintfArg(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, state *formatState) (ok bool) {}

// recursiveStringer reports whether the argument e is a potential
// recursive call to stringer or is an error, such as t and &t in these examples:
//	func (t *T) String() string { printf("%s",  t) }
//	func (t  T) Error() string { printf("%s",  t) }
//	func (t  T) String() string { printf("%s", &t) }
func recursiveStringer(pass *analysis.Pass, e ast.Expr) (string, bool) {}

// isStringer reports whether the method signature matches the String() definition in fmt.Stringer.
func isStringer(sig *types.Signature) bool {}

// isFunctionValue reports whether the expression is a function as opposed to a function call.
// It is almost always a mistake to print a function value.
func isFunctionValue(pass *analysis.Pass, e ast.Expr) bool {}

// argCanBeChecked reports whether the specified argument is statically present;
// it may be beyond the list of arguments or in a terminal slice... argument, which
// means we can't see it.
func argCanBeChecked(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, formatArg int, state *formatState) bool {}

var printFormatRE

const flagsRE

const indexOptRE

const numOptRE

const verbRE

// checkPrint checks a call to an unformatted print routine such as Println.
func checkPrint(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, fn *types.Func) {}

// count(n, what) returns "1 what" or "N whats"
// (assuming the plural of what is whats).
func count(n int, what string) string {}

type stringSet

func (ss stringSet) String() string {}

func (ss stringSet) Set(flag string) error {}