
var doc

var Analyzer

var acceptedFuzzTypes

func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}

// checkFuzz checks the contents of a fuzz function.
func checkFuzz(pass *analysis.Pass, fn *ast.FuncDecl) {}

// checkFuzzCall checks the arguments of f.Fuzz() calls:
//  1. f.Fuzz() should call a function and it should be of type (*testing.F).Fuzz().
//  2. The called function in f.Fuzz(func(){}) should not return result.
//  3. First argument of func() should be of type *testing.T
//  4. Second argument onwards should be of type []byte, string, bool, byte,
//     rune, float32, float64, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16,
//     uint32, uint64
//  5. func() must not call any *F methods, e.g. (*F).Log, (*F).Error, (*F).Skip
//     The only *F methods that are allowed in the (*F).Fuzz function are (*F).Failed and (*F).Name.
// Returns the list of parameters to the fuzz function, if they are valid fuzz parameters.
func checkFuzzCall(pass *analysis.Pass, fn *ast.FuncDecl) (params *types.Tuple) {}

// checkAddCalls checks that the arguments of f.Add calls have the same number and type of arguments as
// the signature of the function passed to (*testing.F).Fuzz
func checkAddCalls(pass *analysis.Pass, fn *ast.FuncDecl, params *types.Tuple) {}

// isFuzzTargetDotFuzz reports whether call is (*testing.F).Fuzz().
func isFuzzTargetDotFuzz(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr) bool {}

// isFuzzTargetDotAdd reports whether call is (*testing.F).Add().
func isFuzzTargetDotAdd(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr) bool {}

// isFuzzTargetDot reports whether call is (*testing.F).<name>().
func isFuzzTargetDot(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, name string) bool {}

// Validate the arguments of fuzz target.
func validateFuzzArgs(pass *analysis.Pass, params *types.Tuple, expr ast.Expr) bool {}

func isTestingType(typ types.Type, testingType string) bool {}

// Validate that fuzz target function's arguments are of accepted types.
func isAcceptedFuzzType(paramType types.Type) bool {}

func formatAcceptedFuzzType() string {}

func isExampleSuffix(s string) bool {}

func isTestSuffix(name string) bool {}

func isTestParam(typ ast.Expr, wantType string) bool {}

func lookup(pkg *types.Package, name string) []types.Object {}

var outputRe

type commentMetadata

func checkExampleOutput(pass *analysis.Pass, fn *ast.FuncDecl, fileComments []*ast.CommentGroup) {}

func checkExampleName(pass *analysis.Pass, fn *ast.FuncDecl) {}

type tokenRange

func (r tokenRange) Pos() token.Pos {}

func (r tokenRange) End() token.Pos {}

func checkTest(pass *analysis.Pass, fn *ast.FuncDecl, prefix string) {}