
type Config

// Main is the main function of a vet-like analysis tool that must be
// invoked by a build system to analyze a single package.
// The protocol required by 'go vet -vettool=...' is that the tool must support:
//	-flags          describe flags in JSON
//	-V=full         describe executable for build caching
//	foo.cfg         perform separate modular analyze on the single
//	                unit described by a JSON config file foo.cfg.
func Main(analyzers ...*analysis.Analyzer) {}

// Run reads the *.cfg file, runs the analysis,
// and calls os.Exit with an appropriate error code.
// It assumes flags have already been set.
func Run(configFile string, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) {}

func readConfig(filename string) (*Config, error) {}

type factImporter

var makeTypesImporter

var exportTypes

var makeFactImporter

var exportFacts

func run(fset *token.FileSet, cfg *Config, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) ([]result, error) {}

type result

type importerFunc

func (f importerFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {}