
type Inspector

// New returns an Inspector for the specified syntax trees.
func New(files []*ast.File) *Inspector {}

type event

// Preorder visits all the nodes of the files supplied to New in
// depth-first order. It calls f(n) for each node n before it visits
// n's children.
// The complete traversal sequence is determined by ast.Inspect.
// The types argument, if non-empty, enables type-based filtering of
// events. The function f is called only for nodes whose type
// matches an element of the types slice.
func (in *Inspector) Preorder(types []ast.Node, f func(ast.Node)) {}

// Nodes visits the nodes of the files supplied to New in depth-first
// order. It calls f(n, true) for each node n before it visits n's
// children. If f returns true, Nodes invokes f recursively for each
// of the non-nil children of the node, followed by a call of
// f(n, false).
// The complete traversal sequence is determined by ast.Inspect.
// The types argument, if non-empty, enables type-based filtering of
// events. The function f if is called only for nodes whose type
// matches an element of the types slice.
func (in *Inspector) Nodes(types []ast.Node, f func(n ast.Node, push bool) (proceed bool)) {}

// WithStack visits nodes in a similar manner to Nodes, but it
// supplies each call to f an additional argument, the current
// traversal stack. The stack's first element is the outermost node,
// an *ast.File; its last is the innermost, n.
func (in *Inspector) WithStack(types []ast.Node, f func(n ast.Node, push bool, stack []ast.Node) (proceed bool)) {}

// traverse builds the table of events representing a traversal.
func traverse(files []*ast.File) []event {}