
func TypeErrorEndPos(fset *token.FileSet, src []byte, start token.Pos) token.Pos {}

func ZeroValue(f *ast.File, pkg *types.Package, typ types.Type) ast.Expr {}

// IsZeroValue checks whether the given expression is a 'zero value' (as determined by output of
// analysisinternal.ZeroValue)
func IsZeroValue(expr ast.Expr) bool {}

// TypeExpr returns syntax for the specified type. References to
// named types from packages other than pkg are qualified by an appropriate
// package name, as defined by the import environment of file.
func TypeExpr(f *ast.File, pkg *types.Package, typ types.Type) ast.Expr {}

// StmtToInsertVarBefore returns the ast.Stmt before which we can safely insert a new variable.
// Some examples:
// Basic Example:
// z := 1
// y := z + x
// If x is undeclared, then this function would return `y := z + x`, so that we
// can insert `x := ` on the line before `y := z + x`.
// If stmt example:
// if z == 1 {
// } else if z == y {}
// If y is undeclared, then this function would return `if z == 1 {`, because we cannot
// insert a statement between an if and an else if statement. As a result, we need to find
// the top of the if chain to insert `y := ` before.
func StmtToInsertVarBefore(path []ast.Node) ast.Stmt {}

// baseIfStmt walks up the if/else-if chain until we get to
// the top of the current if chain.
func baseIfStmt(path []ast.Node, index int) ast.Stmt {}

// WalkASTWithParent walks the AST rooted at n. The semantics are
// similar to ast.Inspect except it does not call f(nil).
func WalkASTWithParent(n ast.Node, f func(n ast.Node, parent ast.Node) bool) {}

// MatchingIdents finds the names of all identifiers in 'node' that match any of the given types.
// 'pos' represents the position at which the identifiers may be inserted. 'pos' must be within
// the scope of each of identifier we select. Otherwise, we will insert a variable at 'pos' that
// is unrecognized.
func MatchingIdents(typs []types.Type, node ast.Node, pos token.Pos, info *types.Info, pkg *types.Package) map[types.Type][]string {}

func equivalentTypes(want, got types.Type) bool {}

// MakeReadFile returns a simple implementation of the Pass.ReadFile function.
func MakeReadFile(pass *analysis.Pass) func(filename string) ([]byte, error) {}

// CheckReadable enforces the access policy defined by the ReadFile field of [analysis.Pass].
func CheckReadable(pass *analysis.Pass, filename string) error {}

// TODO(adonovan): use go1.21 slices.Contains.
func slicesContains[S ~[]E, E comparable](slice S, x E) bool {}

// AddImport checks whether this file already imports pkgpath and
// that import is in scope at pos. If so, it returns the name under
// which it was imported and a zero edit. Otherwise, it adds a new
// import of pkgpath, using a name derived from the preferred name,
// and returns the chosen name along with the edit for the new import.
// It does not mutate its arguments.
func AddImport(info *types.Info, file *ast.File, pos token.Pos, pkgpath, preferredName string) (name string, newImport []analysis.TextEdit) {}

// importedPkgName returns the PkgName object declared by an ImportSpec.
// TODO(adonovan): use go1.22's Info.PkgNameOf.
func importedPkgName(info *types.Info, imp *ast.ImportSpec) (*types.PkgName, bool) {}