
// MustExtractDoc is like [ExtractDoc] but it panics on error.
// To use, define a doc.go file such as:
//	// Package halting defines an analyzer of program termination.
//	//
//	// # Analyzer halting
//	//
//	// halting: reports whether execution will halt.
//	//
//	// The halting analyzer reports a diagnostic for functions
//	// that run forever. To suppress the diagnostics, try inserting
//	// a 'break' statement into each loop.
//	package halting
//	import _ "embed"
//	//go:embed doc.go
//	var doc string
// And declare your analyzer as:
//	var Analyzer = &analysis.Analyzer{
//		Name:             "halting",
//		Doc:              analysisutil.MustExtractDoc(doc, "halting"),
//		...
//	}
func MustExtractDoc(content, name string) string {}

// ExtractDoc extracts a section of a package doc comment from the
// provided contents of an analyzer package's doc.go file.
// A section is a portion of the comment between one heading and
// the next, using this form:
//	# Analyzer NAME
//	Full description...
// where NAME matches the name argument, and SUMMARY is a brief
// verb-phrase that describes the analyzer. The following lines, up
// until the next heading or the end of the comment, contain the full
// description. ExtractDoc returns the portion following the colon,
// which is the form expected by Analyzer.Doc.
// Example:
//	# Analyzer printf
//	printf: checks consistency of calls to printf
//	The printf analyzer checks consistency of calls to printf.
//	Here is the complete description...
// This notation allows a single doc comment to provide documentation
// for multiple analyzers, each in its own section.
// The HTML anchors generated for each heading are predictable.
// It returns an error if the content was not a valid Go source file
// containing a package doc comment with a heading of the required
// form.
// This machinery enables the package documentation (typically
// accessible via the web at https://pkg.go.dev/) and the command
// documentation (typically printed to a terminal) to be derived from
// the same source and formatted appropriately.
func ExtractDoc(content, name string) (string, error) {}