
type Inline

type Plain

func (*Plain) Inline() {}

func (x *Plain) PrintHTML(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Plain) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Plain) PrintText(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

type openPlain

type emphPlain

type Escaped

func (x *Escaped) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

type Code

func (*Code) Inline() {}

func (x *Code) PrintHTML(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Code) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

// longestSequence returns the length of the longest sequence of consecutive bytes b in s.
func longestSequence(s string, b byte) int {}

func (x *Code) PrintText(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

type Strong

func (x *Strong) Inline() {}

func (x *Strong) PrintHTML(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Strong) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Strong) PrintText(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

type Del

func (x *Del) Inline() {}

func (x *Del) PrintHTML(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Del) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Del) PrintText(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

type Emph

func (*Emph) Inline() {}

func (x *Emph) PrintHTML(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Emph) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Emph) PrintText(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (p *parseState) emit(i int) {}

func (p *parseState) skip(i int) {}

func (p *parseState) inline(s string) []Inline {}

func (ps *parseState) emph(dst, src []Inline) []Inline {}

func mdUnescape(s string) string {}

var mdUnescaper

func isPunct(c byte) bool {}

func parseEscape(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func parseDot(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func parseDash(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

const maxBackticks

type backtickParser

func (b *backtickParser) reset() {}

func (b *backtickParser) parseCodeSpan(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func parseAutoLinkOrHTML(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func isLetter(c byte) bool {}

func isLDH(c byte) bool {}

func isLetterDigit(c byte) bool {}

func parseLinkOpen(_ *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func parseImageOpen(_ *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func parseEmph(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

func isUnicodeSpace(r rune) bool {}

func isUnicodePunct(r rune) bool {}

func (p *parseState) parseLinkClose(s string, i int, open *openPlain) (*Link, int, bool) {}

func skipSpace(s string, i int) int {}

func linkCorner(url string) bool {}

func (p *parseState) mergePlain(list []Inline) []Inline {}

func toPlain(x Inline) *Plain {}

func mergePlain1(list []Inline) *Plain {}

func parseEmoji(p *parseState, s string, i int) (Inline, int, int, bool) {}

type Emoji

func (*Emoji) Inline() {}

func (x *Emoji) PrintHTML(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Emoji) printMarkdown(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

func (x *Emoji) PrintText(buf *bytes.Buffer) {}