
type StructuralError

func (s StructuralError) Error() string {}

type reader

// NewReader returns an io.Reader which decompresses bzip2 data from r.
// If r does not also implement [io.ByteReader],
// the decompressor may read more data than necessary from r.
func NewReader(r io.Reader) io.Reader {}

const bzip2FileMagic

const bzip2BlockMagic

const bzip2FinalMagic

// setup parses the bzip2 header.
func (bz2 *reader) setup(needMagic bool) error {}

func (bz2 *reader) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {}

func (bz2 *reader) readFromBlock(buf []byte) int {}

func (bz2 *reader) read(buf []byte) (int, error) {}

// readBlock reads a bzip2 block. The magic number should already have been consumed.
func (bz2 *reader) readBlock() (err error) {}

// inverseBWT implements the inverse Burrows-Wheeler transform as described in
// http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/Compaq-DEC/SRC-RR-124.pdf, section 4.2.
// In that document, origPtr is called “I” and c is the “C” array after the
// first pass over the data. It's an argument here because we merge the first
// pass with the Huffman decoding.
// This also implements the “single array” method from the bzip2 source code
// which leaves the output, still shuffled, in the bottom 8 bits of tt with the
// index of the next byte in the top 24-bits. The index of the first byte is
// returned.
func inverseBWT(tt []uint32, origPtr uint, c []uint) uint32 {}

var crctab

func init() {}

// updateCRC updates the crc value to incorporate the data in b.
// The initial value is 0.
func updateCRC(val uint32, b []byte) uint32 {}