
type huffmanTree

type huffmanNode

const invalidNodeValue

// Decode reads bits from the given bitReader and navigates the tree until a
// symbol is found.
func (t *huffmanTree) Decode(br *bitReader) (v uint16) {}

// newHuffmanTree builds a Huffman tree from a slice containing the code
// lengths of each symbol. The maximum code length is 32 bits.
func newHuffmanTree(lengths []uint8) (huffmanTree, error) {}

type huffmanSymbolLengthPair

type huffmanCode

// buildHuffmanNode takes a slice of sorted huffmanCodes and builds a node in
// the Huffman tree at the given level. It returns the index of the newly
// constructed node.
func buildHuffmanNode(t *huffmanTree, codes []huffmanCode, level uint32) (nodeIndex uint16, err error) {}