
func encryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte)

func decryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte)

func expandKeyAsm(nr int, key *byte, enc *uint32, dec *uint32)

type aesCipherAsm

type aesCipherGCM

var supportsAES

var supportsGFMUL

func newCipher(key []byte) (cipher.Block, error) {}

func (c *aesCipherAsm) BlockSize() int {}

func (c *aesCipherAsm) Encrypt(dst, src []byte) {}

func (c *aesCipherAsm) Decrypt(dst, src []byte) {}

// expandKey is used by BenchmarkExpand to ensure that the asm implementation
// of key expansion is used for the benchmark when it is available.
func expandKey(key []byte, enc, dec []uint32) {}