
type testInterface

type testBlock

func (*testBlock) BlockSize() int      {}

func (*testBlock) Encrypt(a, b []byte) {}

func (*testBlock) Decrypt(a, b []byte) {}

func (*testBlock) NewGCM(int, int) (cipher.AEAD, error) {}

func (*testBlock) NewCBCEncrypter([]byte) cipher.BlockMode {}

func (*testBlock) NewCBCDecrypter([]byte) cipher.BlockMode {}

func (*testBlock) NewCTR([]byte) cipher.Stream {}

type testAEAD

func (*testAEAD) NonceSize() int                         {}

func (*testAEAD) Overhead() int                          {}

func (*testAEAD) Seal(a, b, c, d []byte) []byte          {}

func (*testAEAD) Open(a, b, c, d []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

func (*testAEAD) InAESPackage() bool                     {}

// Test the gcmAble interface is detected correctly by the cipher package.
func TestGCMAble(t *testing.T) {}

type testBlockMode

func (*testBlockMode) BlockSize() int          {}

func (*testBlockMode) CryptBlocks(a, b []byte) {}

func (*testBlockMode) InAESPackage() bool      {}

// Test the cbcEncAble interface is detected correctly by the cipher package.
func TestCBCEncAble(t *testing.T) {}

// Test the cbcDecAble interface is detected correctly by the cipher package.
func TestCBCDecAble(t *testing.T) {}

type testStream

func (*testStream) XORKeyStream(a, b []byte) {}

func (*testStream) InAESPackage() bool       {}

// Test the ctrAble interface is detected correctly by the cipher package.
func TestCTRAble(t *testing.T) {}