
type AEAD

type gcmAble

type gcmFieldElement

type gcm

// NewGCM returns the given 128-bit, block cipher wrapped in Galois Counter Mode
// with the standard nonce length.
// In general, the GHASH operation performed by this implementation of GCM is not constant-time.
// An exception is when the underlying [Block] was created by aes.NewCipher
// on systems with hardware support for AES. See the [crypto/aes] package documentation for details.
func NewGCM(cipher Block) (AEAD, error) {}

// NewGCMWithNonceSize returns the given 128-bit, block cipher wrapped in Galois
// Counter Mode, which accepts nonces of the given length. The length must not
// be zero.
// Only use this function if you require compatibility with an existing
// cryptosystem that uses non-standard nonce lengths. All other users should use
// [NewGCM], which is faster and more resistant to misuse.
func NewGCMWithNonceSize(cipher Block, size int) (AEAD, error) {}

// NewGCMWithTagSize returns the given 128-bit, block cipher wrapped in Galois
// Counter Mode, which generates tags with the given length.
// Tag sizes between 12 and 16 bytes are allowed.
// Only use this function if you require compatibility with an existing
// cryptosystem that uses non-standard tag lengths. All other users should use
// [NewGCM], which is more resistant to misuse.
func NewGCMWithTagSize(cipher Block, tagSize int) (AEAD, error) {}

func newGCMWithNonceAndTagSize(cipher Block, nonceSize, tagSize int) (AEAD, error) {}

const gcmBlockSize

const gcmTagSize

const gcmMinimumTagSize

const gcmStandardNonceSize

func (g *gcm) NonceSize() int {}

func (g *gcm) Overhead() int {}

func (g *gcm) Seal(dst, nonce, plaintext, data []byte) []byte {}

var errOpen

func (g *gcm) Open(dst, nonce, ciphertext, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

// reverseBits reverses the order of the bits of 4-bit number in i.
func reverseBits(i int) int {}

// gcmAdd adds two elements of GF(2¹²⁸) and returns the sum.
func gcmAdd(x, y *gcmFieldElement) gcmFieldElement {}

// gcmDouble returns the result of doubling an element of GF(2¹²⁸).
func gcmDouble(x *gcmFieldElement) (double gcmFieldElement) {}

var gcmReductionTable

// mul sets y to y*H, where H is the GCM key, fixed during NewGCMWithNonceSize.
func (g *gcm) mul(y *gcmFieldElement) {}

// updateBlocks extends y with more polynomial terms from blocks, based on
// Horner's rule. There must be a multiple of gcmBlockSize bytes in blocks.
func (g *gcm) updateBlocks(y *gcmFieldElement, blocks []byte) {}

// update extends y with more polynomial terms from data. If data is not a
// multiple of gcmBlockSize bytes long then the remainder is zero padded.
func (g *gcm) update(y *gcmFieldElement, data []byte) {}

// gcmInc32 treats the final four bytes of counterBlock as a big-endian value
// and increments it.
func gcmInc32(counterBlock *[16]byte) {}

// sliceForAppend takes a slice and a requested number of bytes. It returns a
// slice with the contents of the given slice followed by that many bytes and a
// second slice that aliases into it and contains only the extra bytes. If the
// original slice has sufficient capacity then no allocation is performed.
func sliceForAppend(in []byte, n int) (head, tail []byte) {}

// counterCrypt crypts in to out using g.cipher in counter mode.
func (g *gcm) counterCrypt(out, in []byte, counter *[gcmBlockSize]byte) {}

// deriveCounter computes the initial GCM counter state from the given nonce.
// See NIST SP 800-38D, section 7.1. This assumes that counter is filled with
// zeros on entry.
func (g *gcm) deriveCounter(counter *[gcmBlockSize]byte, nonce []byte) {}

// auth calculates GHASH(ciphertext, additionalData), masks the result with
// tagMask and writes the result to out.
func (g *gcm) auth(out, ciphertext, additionalData []byte, tagMask *[gcmTagSize]byte) {}