
type Hash

// HashFunc simply returns the value of h so that [Hash] implements [SignerOpts].
func (h Hash) HashFunc() Hash {}

func (h Hash) String() string {}

const MD4

const MD5

const SHA1

const SHA224

const SHA256

const SHA384

const SHA512

const MD5SHA1

const RIPEMD160

const SHA3_224

const SHA3_256

const SHA3_384

const SHA3_512

const SHA512_224

const SHA512_256

const BLAKE2s_256

const BLAKE2b_256

const BLAKE2b_384

const BLAKE2b_512

const maxHash

var digestSizes

// Size returns the length, in bytes, of a digest resulting from the given hash
// function. It doesn't require that the hash function in question be linked
// into the program.
func (h Hash) Size() int {}

var hashes

// New returns a new hash.Hash calculating the given hash function. New panics
// if the hash function is not linked into the binary.
func (h Hash) New() hash.Hash {}

// Available reports whether the given hash function is linked into the binary.
func (h Hash) Available() bool {}

// RegisterHash registers a function that returns a new instance of the given
// hash function. This is intended to be called from the init function in
// packages that implement hash functions.
func RegisterHash(h Hash, f func() hash.Hash) {}

type PublicKey

type PrivateKey

type Signer

type SignerOpts

type Decrypter

type DecrypterOpts