
type nistCurve

type nistPoint

func (c *nistCurve[Point]) String() string {}

var errInvalidPrivateKey

func (c *nistCurve[Point]) GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (*PrivateKey, error) {}

func (c *nistCurve[Point]) NewPrivateKey(key []byte) (*PrivateKey, error) {}

func newBoringPrivateKey(c Curve, bk *boring.PrivateKeyECDH, privateKey []byte) (*PrivateKey, error) {}

func (c *nistCurve[Point]) privateKeyToPublicKey(key *PrivateKey) *PublicKey {}

// isZero returns whether a is all zeroes in constant time.
func isZero(a []byte) bool {}

// isLess returns whether a < b, where a and b are big-endian buffers of the
// same length and shorter than 72 bytes.
func isLess(a, b []byte) bool {}

func (c *nistCurve[Point]) NewPublicKey(key []byte) (*PublicKey, error) {}

func (c *nistCurve[Point]) ecdh(local *PrivateKey, remote *PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {}

// P256 returns a [Curve] which implements NIST P-256 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.3),
// also known as secp256r1 or prime256v1.
// Multiple invocations of this function will return the same value, which can
// be used for equality checks and switch statements.
func P256() Curve {}

var p256

var p256Order

// P384 returns a [Curve] which implements NIST P-384 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.4),
// also known as secp384r1.
// Multiple invocations of this function will return the same value, which can
// be used for equality checks and switch statements.
func P384() Curve {}

var p384

var p384Order

// P521 returns a [Curve] which implements NIST P-521 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.5),
// also known as secp521r1.
// Multiple invocations of this function will return the same value, which can
// be used for equality checks and switch statements.
func P521() Curve {}

var p521

var p521Order