
const _W

const _S

type choice

func not(c choice) choice {}

const yes

const no

// ctMask is all 1s if on is yes, and all 0s otherwise.
func ctMask(on choice) uint {}

// ctEq returns 1 if x == y, and 0 otherwise. The execution time of this
// function does not depend on its inputs.
func ctEq(x, y uint) choice {}

type Nat

const preallocTarget

const preallocLimbs

// NewNat returns a new nat with a size of zero, just like new(Nat), but with
// the preallocated capacity to hold a number of up to preallocTarget bits.
// NewNat inlines, so the allocation can live on the stack.
func NewNat() *Nat {}

// expand expands x to n limbs, leaving its value unchanged.
func (x *Nat) expand(n int) *Nat {}

// reset returns a zero nat of n limbs, reusing x's storage if n <= cap(x.limbs).
func (x *Nat) reset(n int) *Nat {}

// set assigns x = y, optionally resizing x to the appropriate size.
func (x *Nat) set(y *Nat) *Nat {}

// setBig assigns x = n, optionally resizing n to the appropriate size.
// The announced length of x is set based on the actual bit size of the input,
// ignoring leading zeroes.
func (x *Nat) setBig(n *big.Int) *Nat {}

// Bytes returns x as a zero-extended big-endian byte slice. The size of the
// slice will match the size of m.
// x must have the same size as m and it must be reduced modulo m.
func (x *Nat) Bytes(m *Modulus) []byte {}

// SetBytes assigns x = b, where b is a slice of big-endian bytes.
// SetBytes returns an error if b >= m.
// The output will be resized to the size of m and overwritten.
func (x *Nat) SetBytes(b []byte, m *Modulus) (*Nat, error) {}

// SetOverflowingBytes assigns x = b, where b is a slice of big-endian bytes.
// SetOverflowingBytes returns an error if b has a longer bit length than m, but
// reduces overflowing values up to 2^⌈log2(m)⌉ - 1.
// The output will be resized to the size of m and overwritten.
func (x *Nat) SetOverflowingBytes(b []byte, m *Modulus) (*Nat, error) {}

// bigEndianUint returns the contents of buf interpreted as a
// big-endian encoded uint value.
func bigEndianUint(buf []byte) uint {}

func (x *Nat) setBytes(b []byte, m *Modulus) error {}

// Equal returns 1 if x == y, and 0 otherwise.
// Both operands must have the same announced length.
func (x *Nat) Equal(y *Nat) choice {}

// IsZero returns 1 if x == 0, and 0 otherwise.
func (x *Nat) IsZero() choice {}

// cmpGeq returns 1 if x >= y, and 0 otherwise.
// Both operands must have the same announced length.
func (x *Nat) cmpGeq(y *Nat) choice {}

// assign sets x <- y if on == 1, and does nothing otherwise.
// Both operands must have the same announced length.
func (x *Nat) assign(on choice, y *Nat) *Nat {}

// add computes x += y and returns the carry.
// Both operands must have the same announced length.
func (x *Nat) add(y *Nat) (c uint) {}

// sub computes x -= y. It returns the borrow of the subtraction.
// Both operands must have the same announced length.
func (x *Nat) sub(y *Nat) (c uint) {}

type Modulus

// rr returns R*R with R = 2^(_W * n) and n = len(m.nat.limbs).
func rr(m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// minusInverseModW computes -x⁻¹ mod _W with x odd.
// This operation is used to precompute a constant involved in Montgomery
// multiplication.
func minusInverseModW(x uint) uint {}

// NewModulusFromBig creates a new Modulus from a [big.Int].
// The Int must be odd. The number of significant bits (and nothing else) is
// leaked through timing side-channels.
func NewModulusFromBig(n *big.Int) (*Modulus, error) {}

// bitLen is a version of bits.Len that only leaks the bit length of n, but not
// its value. bits.Len and bits.LeadingZeros use a lookup table for the
// low-order bits on some architectures.
func bitLen(n uint) int {}

// Size returns the size of m in bytes.
func (m *Modulus) Size() int {}

// BitLen returns the size of m in bits.
func (m *Modulus) BitLen() int {}

// Nat returns m as a Nat. The return value must not be written to.
func (m *Modulus) Nat() *Nat {}

// shiftIn calculates x = x << _W + y mod m.
// This assumes that x is already reduced mod m.
func (x *Nat) shiftIn(y uint, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// Mod calculates out = x mod m.
// This works regardless how large the value of x is.
// The output will be resized to the size of m and overwritten.
func (out *Nat) Mod(x *Nat, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// ExpandFor ensures x has the right size to work with operations modulo m.
// The announced size of x must be smaller than or equal to that of m.
func (x *Nat) ExpandFor(m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// resetFor ensures out has the right size to work with operations modulo m.
// out is zeroed and may start at any size.
func (out *Nat) resetFor(m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// maybeSubtractModulus computes x -= m if and only if x >= m or if "always" is yes.
// It can be used to reduce modulo m a value up to 2m - 1, which is a common
// range for results computed by higher level operations.
// always is usually a carry that indicates that the operation that produced x
// overflowed its size, meaning abstractly x > 2^_W*n > m even if x < m.
// x and m operands must have the same announced length.
func (x *Nat) maybeSubtractModulus(always choice, m *Modulus) {}

// Sub computes x = x - y mod m.
// The length of both operands must be the same as the modulus. Both operands
// must already be reduced modulo m.
func (x *Nat) Sub(y *Nat, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// Add computes x = x + y mod m.
// The length of both operands must be the same as the modulus. Both operands
// must already be reduced modulo m.
func (x *Nat) Add(y *Nat, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// montgomeryRepresentation calculates x = x * R mod m, with R = 2^(_W * n) and
// n = len(m.nat.limbs).
// Faster Montgomery multiplication replaces standard modular multiplication for
// numbers in this representation.
// This assumes that x is already reduced mod m.
func (x *Nat) montgomeryRepresentation(m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// montgomeryReduction calculates x = x / R mod m, with R = 2^(_W * n) and
// n = len(m.nat.limbs).
// This assumes that x is already reduced mod m.
func (x *Nat) montgomeryReduction(m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// montgomeryMul calculates x = a * b / R mod m, with R = 2^(_W * n) and
// n = len(m.nat.limbs), also known as a Montgomery multiplication.
// All inputs should be the same length and already reduced modulo m.
// x will be resized to the size of m and overwritten.
func (x *Nat) montgomeryMul(a *Nat, b *Nat, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// addMulVVW multiplies the multi-word value x by the single-word value y,
// adding the result to the multi-word value z and returning the final carry.
// It can be thought of as one row of a pen-and-paper column multiplication.
func addMulVVW(z, x []uint, y uint) (carry uint) {}

// Mul calculates x = x * y mod m.
// The length of both operands must be the same as the modulus. Both operands
// must already be reduced modulo m.
func (x *Nat) Mul(y *Nat, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// Exp calculates out = x^e mod m.
// The exponent e is represented in big-endian order. The output will be resized
// to the size of m and overwritten. x must already be reduced modulo m.
func (out *Nat) Exp(x *Nat, e []byte, m *Modulus) *Nat {}

// ExpShortVarTime calculates out = x^e mod m.
// The output will be resized to the size of m and overwritten. x must already
// be reduced modulo m. This leaks the exponent through timing side-channels.
func (out *Nat) ExpShortVarTime(x *Nat, e uint, m *Modulus) *Nat {}